hello everyone. long story short, i'm interested in creating a website of streaming great players of the #1 core innova eu server. i've been streaming my games lately and found out that this is quite interesing for other players across the world ( pl/ca/de and other great countries ). i was having like 10 people always watching me and around 300-400 views per day. without any invitations to view my channel or ads on forums/blogs. the most interesing part for those watching me was the farming location on current level and abilty to farm "like a boss" (lvling, pvps for spots, other) if you are interested, feel free to drop a message here. if you've got something to add i would be glad to hear your ideas. cheers and have a good luck on #1 core!
hello, if i had a "like" button i would hit it. there are a few live streaming websites on the internet who offer such free services already but if you want to make this your own little project then go for it.