Adventurers! Here is the range of the L2Store in Lineage 2 Essence Europe! Free Start Package The Start Package will help you to get started with the youngest of the three Lineage 2 versions. The package contains everything you need for a comfortable start! Paid Packs Note: both paid packs are limited per account. Other Paid Products The 800 and 8000 L-Coin Chests come in handy to buy all the necessary goods in L-Coin Store! The 8000 L-Coin Chest also includes a useful Magic Lantern Replenishing Potion! Special Blessing of Plenty will double the L-Coin drop rate while hunting. You can choose from 1-day and 30-day runes. A great chance to try your luck with the Sayha's Grace Box available in L2Store for an unlimited period of time! Open the box to obtain a huge amount of Sayha's Blessing potions and a chance to get a rare item! Spoiler: Click here to see the box contents Opening the box will give you the following items with a 100% chance: * Note: Sayha's Storm Lv.3 obtained from the Sayha's Grace Box goes without the EVENT label. Unlike the similar item from other L2Store packs, this one is tradable. Opening the box will give you one of the following items with a certain chance:
Daily free set with consumables Login daily and claim your Sayha's Support Pack with all necessary consumables for daily exping! The purchase restriction is reset every day at 6:30 a.m.
Sayha is the second son of the original gods Einhasad and Gran Kain. As a gift from his parents he received dominion over the element of wind. The young god is very friendly to humans, elves and other races. Often he creates gifts that help the brave in their difficult journeys. Only until November 27, you can find new Sayha's Blessing Chests and Sayha's Effect Chests in the L2Store. Inside them, the most fortunate will be able to find not only useful consumables, but also real treasures! Sales period: October 30 — November 27 (4 weeks) All purchased chests and their contents will remain with players after the promotion. The contents are identical for both products (x1 and x20). Spoiler: Click here to see the box contents Opening the box will give you the following items with a 100% chance: Opening the box will give you one of the following items with a certain chance: The contents are identical for both products (x1 and x20). Spoiler: Click here to see the box contents Opening the box will give you the following items with a 100% chance: Opening the box will give you one of the following items with a certain chance: New chests can be exchanged at the Dimensional Merchant NPC for special EXP boosts that will be useful to Lv.75 and below characters. Exchange is available until November 27 (until server maintenance). All items obtained during exchange will remain with players after the end of the promotion.