Ok due to the PK situation Xp'ing AFK (i work and have a life) in normal fields is impossible, unless of course you are an adena farmer toon for sellers, so I have practically lived my character life on PI, which lets face it is boring, even famers of adena are on there now!!! FFS really come on Sad thing is Im paying to xp there ^^ , all i get are adena drops and xp I have never in the time from Lvl 40 to 69 received anything else? really??? surely I should have got sometihing mroe dropping from in there? who has had anytihng other than XP /adena????
So to the matter, if I am expected to XP on Primeval Isle due to Adena sellers "owning the server" I want better drops to progress in game!! end of!! its not a big ask, sorting out adena sellers apparently is!