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Hell knights skills doesnt removes any buff from enemie

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Volotron, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. Volotron

    Volotron User

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    Hello all .
    I knew that something was going wrong for my class that it is a hell knight.
    So i called another hk at 80 lvl to test our skills.
    The other guy was from another clan/ally.
    We did to each other the following skills over 20 times.
    1)Insane crusher
    2)Panther cansel
    3)Touch of death
    All the 20 times none managed to remove at least 1 buff from the other.
    And 2 of those skills says that removes at least 1 buff from the opponent.
    I ve given my euro for this char to grow stronger and now i see that his skills doesnt works.
    Do something about it guys cause its obvius a bug in this skills.
    I made a support ticket and they anwered me that debuff skills were nerfed a lot in previous patch and works as they planned too.
    So now the only way for me is to delete hk...
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
  2. Gumarodak

    Gumarodak User

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    Ehm, whats the point of removing the buffs if the opponent can insta rebuff them?
  3. Volotron

    Volotron User

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    The skill should prevent the opponent to recast buffs that lost for a certain amount of time.
    When a hierophant canseled some of my buffs in oly , my auto renewal of buffs didnt worked.
    But i dont know what skill of hierophant says in description.
    So without debuff hell knight is just meat.
    I ll have to w8 for the other update to maybe this class gets boosted.
    Finally i dont know why i see many new players creating hk.
    Guys its the worst tank right now.
    So for the new players an advice is dont make hk!!!!!
    It is awfull in pvp!!!!
    But is good for farming if you have money for soulshout ofcourse......
    Cause if you have a grade weapon ss are x2 and panther needs x1 ss.
    So you need x2 soulshout to exp fine.
    Thats why i cant exp more than 5-6 hours a day.
    Irun out of soulshot.
  4. Gumarodak

    Gumarodak User

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    Ok i see the issue here, PP debuff is OP since the char with debuff is rebuffing all the time like stupid if he has auto buff...thats why i do turn off auto in pvp.
    This is ncsoft, some chars get nerf some boost, there are bugs and u have to report them...and pray for fix...
  5. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Time goes by, people never learn.

    NCSoft is doing an horrible job in fixing and balancing stuffs. They just don't care about improving.

    Prophets are broken OP with debuffs cause they remove your buff, block you from recasting those for 2 minutes (it's debuff's effect) and also lower ur stat by X (25% m.def for block shield and -40 speed for block wind walk). That's why PPs are OP.

    Every class who's not broken OP is experiencing the same. Things are bad for those who have cancel cause it's useless and same goes for daggers since our debuffs are not working at all (bluff land rate is low, confusion should fear the enemy, instead it shakes the screen and do nothing more, shadow step is useless and the debuff never land, trick is not working anymore and sand bomb decreases p. and m. accuracy by 12 but evasion is useless so they never miss anyway).

    All you can do is to make a char that can make dmg w/o debuffs. Pony with broken OP summon, OLs with 50k p.def and 80% drain, PPs with broken debuffs.
    Also warriors are OP now cause everyone have skills that "Ignore enemy defense", which means a tank with 9k p.def still get 2k 2k 2k dmg from a titan.
  6. BaeSir

    BaeSir User

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    I reported a bug through ticket system and they fixed it.
    Tool some time since they had to give to the developers team.

    Please write a ticket and see what the support needs from you. More chances to improve the game.

    Nice find
  7. Volotron

    Volotron User

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    They answered me dude and told me that is not a bug.
    They told me that my debuff skills were nerfed a lot in last update.
    While other classes debuff skills remains the same and maybe boosted,like prophets.
    One prophet made me debuff in oly and 3 buffs were gone and i couldnt recast them......
    So those years that i play l2,and they are many i see that in every new version or major update they change class power.
    So in my case hell knight was good in past and they made him weak now.
    This is how lineage 2 goes.
    DapperBae likes this.