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Warcryer / Prophet toggles

Discussion in 'Activity (Maroon)' started by Calerades, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. Calerades

    Calerades User

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    Hello, i am a 71 lvl Warcryer main and today as the new patch kicked in i jubilantly decided to jump into and take a look into the new features of the game. For my big dissapointment i noticed that the 3 toggles' behaviour (Swap Attack, Swap Defence & Convert) has changed dramatically during the huge MP consumption that applies from now on. I cannot even exp anymore as with even only the Swap Attack toggle on and the Fatal Strike usage i run out of mp in a matter of seconds... not to mention that the Battle Cry toggle is useless anymore because of the enormous MP consumption. Therefore the exp is a joke and even with a mage style approach the class lacks of the MP regen the pure nukers have cause of their MP boost buffs and passives (Clear Mind etc). I don't know if this comes from the official Korean servers but it is such a huge let down to the point of quitting a class which was about to extinct way before the new patch. It is so ridiculous to watch a WC exp next to a Soulbreaker or a Bladedancer.
  2. Koreysh

    Koreysh User

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    ^ This. I can't even have one toggle on without it completely draining my MP.
    Debuffs were OP, no questions asked there. But why ruin the toggles? you guys made them unusable.
  3. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Oooh no, what a nerf. Totally deserved.

    Those toogle were quite too strong, having classes boosting of 30-40% their p.def or having a boost of 120-150% of p.atk on a class like PP was just insane. And if this apply even to OLs, better.

    Supports are way too OP the way they are now in PVP, making them even stronger than real DDs, it was about time they nerfed you guys down.

    And actually even mages run of mana easly, the new passive is of no use. Eterea (hero EE of Blue server) gained like 250 more MPs from that passive. Summoners with summon spamming recharge can run out of mana quickly as well.

    Try if ur problem persist after lv 76 with OL cause as far as i could see, WC and OL 76+ with their mana-drain skill can still XP.
  4. Calerades

    Calerades User

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    Yeah this or let the wealthy guys with the Anakim SA make fun of your empty real life pocket, great balance as only mama NC knows how to offer us since 2004
  5. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Anakim SA triggers once every X seconds, it's not a permanent trigger. Also, NCSoft went downhill after GOD with all those P2W items they added (actually, a few years after GOD, cause in the beginning P2W was not so huge, first broken p2w item that broke the game was the Brooch).
    Actually i hope they will nerf classes such as OLs even further cause it's a class for braindeads as much as DKs or summoners with the only difference that with some effort DKs and summoner dies, OLs don't. They just stand there 24/7 afk spamming drain and even with B grade you wont be able to get him down w/o debuffs (and since daggers has no working debuff, gg with that). They should either remove mana drain from OL or drop it to 20% of dmg, draining 80% of the dmg even during HP is just broken since you hit for like 2-4k each critical nuke. And they always crit.