I saw in this forum that Soul Ranger is the best class to farm adena. But why they are the best, what are the attributes that they have? In addition which other classes are good?
With the Kamael update all the classes past lvl 60 run out of mana really fast so the only way to prevent this is to make a bar, usually the n. 21, with a sequence of normal attack, skill, normal attack, normal attack, normal attack skill The arba, or sould ranger, is the only class which doesn't never ever run out of mana as soon as the arba collects 100 white souls, like every 2-3 minutes, it activates a skill called light veil with the light veil with every hit on the mob you recover mana This makes the arba not only the best farming toon but also the easiest to lvl up but past lvl 76 you have to invest a lot more comprared to other archers to make it working properly To give you an idea a lvl 71 an arba can farm 750.000 to 1.000.000 adena x hour After that all depends on the server you are playing it At that lvl on blue you are pretty ok On red you will be pked like 50 times x day and at this point we should have to talk about the infamous GDie and 3a96yka There's no way to counter this two nuts. They have both like 30 pker toons and log in just to hunt everyone down. This can be countered creating a bishop lvl 40ish placing it with the gatekeeper buff near where are you exping and ress your arba as GDie or 3a96yka pk you. Ofc you will have to switch to the bishop at least 50 times x day. Also there's no reason to gear up an arba, your second account, past lvl 76 not to buy books or crystals the first one to reach lvl 80 in innova lineage 2 server was an arba with a +16 no grade bow
Understand, thanks! About soul ranger im seeing that he needs to use frequently HP potion without good gears, maybe its a disvantage comparing to fighter class to farm
This couples with the other topic i've posted in the optimum should be to have a blue wolf heavy set to have some sort of protection expecially between lvl 56 and lvl 75 but this time the things are reverted because on blue server a bw hv it's like 30-40kk adena or millions on red server a bw hv it's like 15kk adena or millions In the answer i gave above i forgot to write down a thing as i've said all the other classes need to create a bar and activate on it a sequence of normal attacks, more than one, then a single skill, then more normal attacks and so on with the arba just activate normal attack and twin shot as a skill past lvl 71 you will one shot, well tecnically speaking two shots, everything. About the hp pots if you are doing the current event and you will fail, like everyone of us, random crafting you will end up with billions of free hp pots. Just don't put the auto pots above 30% that's why you're seeing many arba wasting them
Quick question. So you just create a BAR 1 with skills and attacks and in the way how you want them executed and this happens then during auto hunting?
This is sooo false. Even a spot w/o anyone else, hunting mobs almost nonstop, would make it impossible to farm 750k/1kk per hour.
Ey haseo dont be so rude, its easy to farm 750k adena hour at lvl 71,u just need to kill 1 mob each 2 seconds. Everyone is able to. Kappa.
Will ask her, because cant find any recent post. Is multiboxing allowed? If yes, is there a limit, how many boxes?