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High levels are killing the server...

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by you wish, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. you wish

    you wish User

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    Rant incoming. Why do you United players keep PKing low level players trying to grind up ? All you acomplish is people leaving the server because they are tired of your ******** and the XP penalty is really harsh,4% at 70s is atleast a few hours of grind,while the PK players gets 0 punishment,even is somehow someone manages to kill him. Why doesnt PK make you drop equipped items like any other server ? This is already a bot server with like 200 real ppl actually playing,if nothing changes its just gonna be 1 or 2 clans playing,u already see ppl leaving the server everyday. I guess you guys enjoy playing PVE because in time NPCs are gonna be all that is left in the server.
    Malum, Dvyus and EssenceIsShit like this.