If you did a very good job about lag, but about BOT`s, when do you do something? I also ask for a friend, not for me! It seems that BOT is tolerated .. I have some evidence here and I will come back with a video, GM you can check log`s IP .. and you will see that it is the same IP !! how much more evidence can we bring you to tell you the reality? https://pasteboard.co/J66ihJU.png I never thought it would reach the performance of buying 7 computers to farm .. seriously ..?
Instead of tilting, send proof via ticket. Forum is useless and forum moderators are just normal players with slightly higher privilges, they can't do anything about it. Send a ticket for those things.
https://eu.4game.com/lineage2essence/ This is the main page of L2EU essence, you can see a "support" button above, next to "MMO" "4game" "forum"...go there and write a ticket to the support, they are the ones that MIGHT help you. Finger crossed and wait.