Hello players, After some time i decided to play l2 again, so international Clan GreekLegion under new leadership recruit pvp oriented CP's and solo players. Because our mood is more than serious please consider the game type you want before apply to us. For now we participate in all server events (Sieges, Baium, Zaken, Core, Orfen, 80lvl rbs, 75lvl rbs, 70lvlrbs) For the beginning i will get players and cp's with these minimum requirments: -Large online activity to support our side activities. -Daily prime time 20:00-24:00 Gmt+2. -Minimum lvl is 80 for now (79 for healers and tanks). -Decent gear to sustain pvp. -Knowing the game and the type of the server. -Willing to pvp at any time. -Spending 300 L-coins per day. -speaking and understand English. -Use ts3 when online. For more info mail ingame: RedEmperor, ZahnArtz, GanGoO