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[Guide Contest] Arcana Lord Leveling and Stuff

Discussion in 'Players Guides' started by Rocemase, May 9, 2020.

  1. Rocemase

    Rocemase User

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    Server : Blue
    Character name : MaZzE


    1. About Summoner
    2. Skill to learn as priority during lvl40-lvl76
    3. Leveling Arcana Lord
    4. Arcana Lord Stuff for PvE and PvP (Weapon, Armor and Accessory)
    5. Talisman, Bracelet and Agathion and other
    6. Tatoo

    1. About Summoner

    In L2 Essence, summoner is strong and one of the best class for PvP an PvE and you dont really need to buy Lcoin to perform in PvE. Their are 3 summoner, Human, Dark Elf and Elf. To be honest elf summoner is the best following by Arcana Lord and Spectral Master.

    You can play as a mage or a fighter but mage will be faster for leveling but playing fighter allow you to xp in TOI too.

    2. Skill to learn as priority during lvl40-lvl76

    Skill to learn in priority :

    [​IMG] Blaze : Your main Nuke
    [​IMG] Summon Kat the Cat and use Master Recharge as auto skill.
    [​IMG] Suommon Kai the Cat (for melee)
    [​IMG] Weapon Mastery
    [​IMG] Light Armor
    [​IMG] Robe Mastery
    [​IMG] Fast Cast Spelling
    [​IMG] Boost mana
    [​IMG] Spell Master
    [​IMG] Hp Recovery
    [​IMG] MP recovery
    [​IMG] Spirit Sharing (Will cost some adena...)
    [​IMG] Transfer Pain

    And Swift Servitor Heal for auto use.

    3. Leveling Arcana Lord

    Until LvL 77 play Arcana Lord as a mage as much as you can, it will be faster.

    Lvl 1-lvl40 : Follow the quest and you will be lvl 40 in no time.

    Lvl40-lvl65 : First quest you ll have to hunt in sea of spore until lvl45 then another quest will send you to Cemetary stay there until lvl55. Next Quest will send you to Field of massacre, stay there until lvl65.

    Lvl 65 to lvl76 : you ll have many option to level up but keep in mind blue server is full of people.

    Best place in my opinion :
    Patriot Necropolis but also know as Requiem place :) for lvl65-70 and Necropolis of devotion for lvl70-76

    Other place to hunt as a mage :
    Devil Island
    Silent Valley
    Blazing swamp
    Seal of Shillen

    Level up as fighter :
    Best zone is cruma tower 2nd and 3rd floor

    Ok now you are finally lvl77 learn spell king cat [​IMG] and you can hunt effectively as a fighter

    After lvl 77 :

    Fighter :

    Tower of insolence
    Dragon valley (left side for fighter)
    Antharas lair ( i dont know if we can xp as fighter there)
    Plain of lizardmen
    Disciple Necropolis

    Mage :

    Dragon valley (right side)
    Antharas lair ( i dont know if we can xp as mage there)
    Plain of lizardmen
    Disciple Necropolis
    TOI (if u are well well geared)

    4. Arcana Lord Stuff for PvE and PvP (Weapon, Armor and Accessory)

    Mage PvE and PvP:

    -Cheap stuff : moon set and aden weapon and no grade accesory

    -Average Stuff : blue wolf light set +0 to +4, Demon staff OE +8/+10 (keep^in mind aden weapon at lvl76 is better in damage than a +6/7 demon staff)

    -Good stuff : BW light set +6, and full A grade accesory (ring of insolence +4/5, dragon valley ring +4/5, demon staff +12-16

    -Ultra Good stuff : Helm of nightmare +5 , majestic robe, glove and boot all +5, full A grade Accessory +6/7 cabrio +5 and shield

    -God Stuff : Flaming set +5 (leather lightning could be an option but i dont know yet), Helm of Nightmare +5, Silence glove +5, Majestic boot +5 and Full Epic lvl1/2/3 and Queen weapon +5

    Fighter is only for PvE and are bad for PVP the only thing who change is your weapon. Best weapon are Dagger in my opinion

    5. Talisman, Bracelet and Agathion and other

    There are no cheap stuff because every buy will cost you many millions :Geek:

    Average stuff :
    -Get talisman, bracelet and agathion lvl 3 with talisman of aden +5, talisman of eva +3, venir talisman +6.
    -Einhasad pendant +3, dragon belt +4
    I didnt count with jewelry and agathion or hat because it cost a lot and it will be on god stuff

    God Stuff : Get everything as higher as you can.

    6. Tatoo

    Cheap price : 3x +4WIT -4MEN
    God stuff : 3x +4WIT -2MEN

    Thank you and if you think i made some mistake or disagree with me just notify to me and explain.
    GL and HF
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
    reiwilmers likes this.
  2. reiwilmers

    reiwilmers User

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    Hi, I'm following your guide, for damage skill you only use Blaze?
  3. Picarras

    Picarras User

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    I play with warlock and for damage u only have blaze, but u also can use the low lvl skill that drain hp from the mob, so in that way u can use vampiric (low lvl) blaze+blaze and then body to mind so in that way u can always have mana when u are farming like mage.
  4. reiwilmers

    reiwilmers User

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    Thanks, I'm a new player and didn't find a tutorial for macros, can you help me?
  5. ivan2432

    ivan2432 User

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    Hey, thanks for the great guide, I just rolled an elemental master, so would have some questions to follow up.
    Beast soul / spirit shots, is it best to buy them with the soul-shot ticket or to craft them with the class skill?
    Fighter Setup - dagger or 2 handed sword works best as per the guides, should I also invest in some dyes? would it be full STR or DEX or a combination?
    The seraphim buffs look sick and aparently the summon can heal aswell, if i invest in the book to learn it will it get me in to a lair pt or is it only viable for pvp?
    Thank you for your support guys!