Hi guys I'm recently playing on this server (i usually played on the US one) and i have right now 10b adena to start buying stuff. I'm almost 103 and i'm completing 2nd exalted (so ill get the enhanced weapon and better stuff). Right now i'm between on start getting jewels for farm (like ring of creation and baium for example) or spend on rune stones to get at least the winged spear skill . I'm not too familiar with the prices here so maybe even a spear better than the one from exalted could be an option with that amount of adena. So i'm open to suggestions. Thxs!
It's up to you if you want to invest in a small item (baium) or bigger one (PVE spear). I would go get a PVE spear or a better spear than Exalted so I could kill faster mobs and get faster more adenas to buy the rest (baium, rune stone, etc). I've seen in AH, a PVE R99 spear +7 for 7b. Maybe, you can find one for cheaper if the price were right.
well if there is going to be red libra.....keep adena for ruby, red cat and opal lvl 4. +5 charms are cheap these days definitly dont buy ring of creation rune stones buy during some l2store pay to win theft. They were like 140 kk not long ago.