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State of the game in 2020

Discussion in 'Activity' started by Majks89, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    Hi All,

    I really think about to come back but before i want to do this I need some advice about corrently state of l2 on off servers. at first I should Choice between EU Server - Core or NA Server Naia, what should I know before I start to play, how looks with p2w on both Servers? Is really so bad what the ppl say about Retails Servers with p2w, one shot pk players, and more? I want reagulary play PVE cuse PVP is not really that what I want some Instance with another players is that what I try to find. I know that this game on free to play is only pain. PA is must to have, this is not a Problem for me but, how many I Must really put to get this Mid Player rang to have Fun in this game? I want to Aim for Yul class is this a good chooice (I think about Trickstar)

    any advice will be helpfull

    Any advice will be nice for me, greets and have a nice weekend.
  2. fapandgame

    fapandgame User

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    If PvE is all you wanna do, either server/network will be ok for you. You can get decent gear to fuel your farm with low investments in l2store each event, and you can participate in the free farm events all you want when they are up of course...

    If PvP is something you are looking forward to as casual or mid-range player, then you can forget about it. The top PvP content nowadays requires A LOT of investment and consumes a lot of your time; time to do the fights required to gain the drops and the utmost prestige of being a badazz...

    And about the 1-shot festival, yes, it is true.
    With all the new content items and the dragon weapons lvl 2-3 getting easier and easier by the day to make for the ppl that wanna make them... Plus the other things like brooches and artifacts are also somewhat easier to make if you have the time and VISA statements to do so.
    So yeah, uhm, this game is not for filthy casuals anymore!

    Hope this little pep-talk has helped you out! Cheers! :Ninja:
  3. Majks89

    Majks89 User

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your advice,

    But what I really need to play properly except PA, to have good boost. Do I need always dual box with Iss to play? Or I can farm till 105 solo and then looking for party
  4. fapandgame

    fapandgame User

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    You will most likely have to make an overlord box later on, for out of party buffs, so you can take all the exp solo without having buffer in party. Everyone plays like this, even the top players who exp solo currently, for maximizing efficiency. Some of them even put boxed tanks on macros to pull mobs to them, etc.

    Boosts for exp like roses and etc you can get a few for free daily in kastia npc, and on market from players. Around certain events time you can even buy some for way under 9-10mil / piece.

    Until 105 you can exp decently solo. I could say even up to like 107-108 you can exp in certain places, but after that it gets super grindy...
    As for some gear to sustain early farm, the Paulina Twilight the game gives you are ok BUT won't be so good to use for when you hit 105 and wanna go somewhere a bit more challenging for your character.

    The l2store offers weapon and armor packages for 30days, 1e/package, with good stats on them for a new char to play around with. These are mostly useful for you to do your first exalted quests quickly to get the perks they provide.
    After you do the exalted quest lines part 1 & 2 you will get few permanent items like a set with full 120x3 elements and a weapon with PvE option on it and stats, brooches lv. 3, a shirt with stats that can be upgraded late.

    If you don't plan on being a heavy donor then just play and enjoy what the game has to offer for free with minor investments and time investment also.

    Peace out!
  5. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    I have PA now and I think about high pack with 200 exp rune and take 30 days for weapon and armor r99 thats should be help to be a competitive. I dislike NCsoft Server here is the economy much better what I see.
  6. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    with that gear from l2store you will be able to exp in <105 lvl spots.. that means in blazing swamp and that other spot near aden, and in coal mines... later you will have some problems with that..
  7. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    What gear after 105 is important? R99?
  8. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    overenchanted.. if you not ready spend at least few hundreds € into l2store2adena services then you are doomed. :) i mentioned many times, l2 as f2p game ends at 105-106 levels.
  9. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    R99++ or R110? Which should I concentrate
  10. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    look in to prices.. up to ~110 it's enough +14++ r99 pve, later can be hard.. search for some "tutorials" how to farm, where to exp etc etc...
  11. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    All is overpriced the people want for r99 +10-12 bow with SA more then 25 Bilions and this is just only mid gear do with armor set you need like 65 Bilions. Its just ridiculous I think about change to Naia cuse with this economy on Core you can’t play correctly sad but True.
  12. Cordana

    Cordana User

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    this is not ridiculous lol this is normal price, you need to imagine t hat there is many ppl who farming a day 15-20b and i dont say about top cp which can handle to farm 60b /24h you need to understand that you are at bottom of the ladder, and you wanna play game designed to catch in years not in months

    Na servers are unplayable in last 2 months 150+ players came from na and noone went second side, this servers are pure garbage with administration who doing random things for their friends, perma lags since nearly 1 year ( melee chars are unplayable ) this servers are worse than privs 10 years ago, you will regret every euro spend in NA server
  13. Majks89

    Majks89 User

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    So when i good understand with low lvl you can make adena cuse your eq is not too good for better content after 105 literally you are gain 105 lvl and stuck with exalted gear and you cannot progress into r99 cuse without this eq you are not available to farm on 105-107 Zone cuse you just make no damage. You want in party but nobody care about this that you need better equipment, this game is over after your get exalted quest complete and you level your class into 105 lvl for certification, you try put effort and enjoy the game cuse you cannt farm instance and new areas or bosses only cuse you have exalted you just stay a looking for prices in Aden and think..., my god now i must spend 200 bucks and sell all from l2store to take this stupid r99 weapon or even complete armor that should be 100bilions. When ppl after 110 farm 24/7 in Alter and get goods and boxes where from boxes drop r99 items and more. So this High Lvl player dont care about this cuse they make his Profit in game when you look for a help and nobody want to help you only becuse you are a newbie and you dont have equipment to play, you can pay PA and Runes for exp but for what just afk 24/7 next 365 Days on Coal Mines and BS where you get literally nothing. I dont see here a point why people still play lineage2 on this state cuse 80% player they reach this magical 105 level just leave cuse they can get nothing for years. We live in 2020 and all games mmo games too should be more casual friendly we can take look a WoW or Tera Korean MMO if you want you can gain in half years just full BiS gear if you plays many and do dungeons but here in l2 all is unrewarding for new player you reach the Wall and you ser nothing what you can do, you look in forum to get Info but you finde nothing. This is was so many ppl still play private server and have fun.
    Faydee likes this.
  14. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    And with all said, in this state server still open and all good xD Amazing...
  15. Fremke

    Fremke User

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    There is **** load of ways to get gear and make adena...
    Level up mentees = 500-600kk each takes 2-3
    Buy and sell stuff on AH or private store = i make with r crystals / ssr /bssr about 200-400kk each day...
    Hunting event (Girls with matches) = easily 200-300kk a day... sell gifts/ingriedients
    Do PI every day with party or solo (With your iss or whatever) drops ench. scrolls = 0-300kk per day (depends how lucky you are)

    To progress your level :
    Do daily stuff PI/IT/STORM/KASTIA
    Do exp parties where you can...
    Look for more active clan also where you can get pt easy...
    Simple simple simple...

    Its just crying all the time how unfair world is... Go outside see how fair everything is...
    If you cant play the game, its too hard or you feel stuck just look for help there is loads of good people around who can guide you or help you...

    Again this is my view and this is the way i play the game and still enjoy it with mid gear :)