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Discussion in 'Activity' started by QuickBen, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. QuickBen

    QuickBen User

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    As many of us saw... I dont like our new update and im talking on Feoh point of view... Im expressing all in few points.

    So im im telling you my gear, to see why im so furious. List below...
    +10 ultimate set
    Valakas Caster High Grade +21% m.skill crit
    Skills enchanted to +10, Forgotten m.atk+10
    Artifacts on+4, +11%m.skill power balance
    Blessed Valakas, Lindvior Earring, Radiant Wiz+5
    Atlas Earring+12, Ring of Truth Seeker, Baium, Coc belt, Leg Dyes lvl5,
    Greater jewels:Sapphire 6, Blue Cat 6, Opal 6 Aquamarine 6, Venir 12, Insanity, 7signs, artifact book lvl3,a superior bracelet Libra +8, aquarius +7
    And i might forget something... Overall thats it.

    1: New Areas: Fields of Whispers, Fields of Silence, Primeval Isle: the problem is mobs are in circles now and as we all know feoh crit rate side is the worst of all. I hit few mobs on one side and i pray that my char will turn to another to agro more... On Primeval i have to agroo all 1 by 1 or pray my aoe spell to hit 2 or 3... The only 1 good on my 110lvl is Sel Mahum.

    2. -25% M.def on minions on all areas: -25%, but attribute defense is up... I dont feel any difference.

    3. Skills dont work:
    Fire stance on archmage ON and it does not show on my skills bar...even if its working..
    Going in oly with Brooch Raphsody... You cannot use it at all... Do it once and you wait 15mins..

    Overall i see lots of people quitting after this update... We are furious for the money we put in and i i cannot say my gear is that bad.


    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
    Pougen and Beldent13 like this.
  2. Arbūzas

    Arbūzas User

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    I'm also feoh but with a lot lower gear than yours. I dont know about FoW and FoS much but after update I can do 115 kastia easier for sure (probably because of sigil and lvl 2 book).
    I agree with you that mob placment in PI is awful. For me the only beneficial way to farm there is few groups at a time by pulling... 1 mob at a time. Because as you said feoh aoe can barely hit 3 mobs at one time with the placement as is and snare doesn't work with that range. Farming 1by1 with that low crit chance doesn't satisfy me. So only way to get lucky to kill few mobs fast is to have plenty of them around you. The problem though is that mob groups are so far away that its also hard to farm few groups at a time by pulling them 1by1. So yea PI is ruined.

    Another thing I noticed that I get a lot more damage in all the areas. I could farm even without shots in Tanor before update. Now I just died when I ran out of them. And I see many ppl higher lvls come to lower zones because of stronger mobs.

    I don't know if I'm gonna quit or not but since they raised rbs lvls and made high lvl zones stronger it seems to me that there is less content left to enjoy. And since most of the stuff now comes from l2 store (its been like this for a while) I do start to doubt if this game is worth my time.
  3. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    oh so you can't afk exp? well, so let's ask for update before lindvior. that one was one of the best, and ± balanaced.
  4. Beldent13

    Beldent13 User

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    It also bothers me that there is a restriction on FEOH criticism, I hope they change it since the other characters do not have it
  5. Arbūzas

    Arbūzas User

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    You miss the point with afk exp. Stay afk for 2 years straight and you won't be high enough lvl to do current bosses. Active playing is still most efficient. And if you just go afk then don't play altogether.

    I'm just pissed when yull can hit almost an entire group with one skill and feoh can reach maximum 3 (mby 4) mobs in PI. Then, yul, tyr or any other meele hit 3 basic hits, 2 of them are crits and kills mob instantly while with feoh you're still casting 1 spell that wouldnt crit even if casted 3 times in a row. So by the time you kill 1 or 2 mobs similary geared meele or yul kills an entire group.
  6. QuickBen

    QuickBen User

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    Also i cant understand how xp does not grow with the level. You go to Tanor Canyon (107 area) and you get lets say 6b xp, then you go to Sel Mahum Training grounds (113lvl area) and you get the same xp. Should i stay 110 > 111 for 6 months, 111 > 112 for 1 year etc... And thats it after i buy Premium Account and Rune for 27euro = 36euro only to lvl up a bit faster. How is possible to lvl up so slowly? Do i have to wait for 2x event 2-3 times a year? Do i have to gather all my money 30-40b to buy vitality maintaining rune 30d? (its 60b now)
    Arbūzas likes this.
  7. GoodCraft

    GoodCraft User

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    Problem with exp is that, that after update mobs are stronger that before. You kill they slower and get less exp/h. In my case around 2x exp/h less on same spot. Next problem with mobs are that, that they are almost same on all locations. I am lvl111 and cant find difference between location 109 and 113. On loc109 i get 500m less exp/mob, that on 111. On 113 500mil more exp/mob that on 111, but on 113 i kill mobs slower, that on 111 - at the end, exp/h is same on all locations. With vitality i get same exp like before update. With adena drop same problem on all locations - so, here is no content and no quest for some rewards. Only content you can get is l2 store and upgrade your equipment, but why?
    QuickBen likes this.
  8. Pougen

    Pougen User

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    I'm very neutral in here, i did quit game some times ago.

    I was playing Feoh too with a lot less stuff than you have.

    Have you any idee how much real money you put in game just for stuff and events ?

    Combined to your complaint, I think it might be interesting for new comers to know.
  9. QuickBen

    QuickBen User

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    And i have been pretty lucky and smart with events. All my items cost over 1 trillion adena... But im not sure the total money, might be a bit more than 1200euro. That is for 1year and 6months. And truth be told im not a heavy donator.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
  10. Pougen

    Pougen User

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    Thank you
  11. Vojcek

    Vojcek User

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  12. QuickBen

    QuickBen User

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    I hope to do so... Im already selling my items. Lots and lots of people quitting or already quitted. And as usual news to our server come last or late. So disappointing and frustrating.
  13. MaoMao

    MaoMao User

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    I must admit i was waiting this update with hope. 25% mdef reduction for mobs, great, but I don't see a difference.
    Okay, the mobs got a bit pumped up, a level, mostly, in tanor, fos, etc, (BTW, @GoodCraft, mobs in 113 areas are actually 114 so you need 112 for them to be white), that is not a problem, really, one level up a few months on is normal, keeps up with ppl leveling, but we have TONS of spots where nobody can go, even top adena sellers have nerf at 119 level areas, come on, people, this is not korea, we barely have a few chars 115, was it really needed to up mobs in SoS to 116 and give NO extra exp or drop? I appreciate it was made a live zone, harder to AFK it, but the level bump excludes most legits, i.e., we can still kill them, but it is not worth it, AFK FoS or FoW gives more exp in the same amount of time.
    We can also kill in Forest zone, but, again, not worth it, that content is clearly made for average koreans, not for us which have way lower levels.
    Instead of rolling back the changes and requesting more dev work, ask them to give us 1 month of 2x every season so we can catch up a bit.

    Regarding some other problems raised here, like feohs cant hit mobs because the circle is too wide and the snare doesnt work, or mobs hitting harder, also, the problem of lesser mana refill, etc... I think those changes are good, they force ppl to at least duo, a bit of love for support, I am ISS/tank, come on, why shouldnt we be needed at PI? Only DDs should make money? Take a tank and all mobs will be conveniently placed, get another one to pull, or a dn which is horribly bugged otherwise, and you can easily farm 3-4 spots. If you expect only solo afk day in, day out, that is not good for you or the game. Get more social, it is a MMORPG after all.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  14. Arbūzas

    Arbūzas User

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    Ok so here is my experiene. I know you hate ebayers but I have PA and 30d maphr. If I take any of my box to pt I get less adena drop dont matter the distance, box can stay in town (don't know about the items but in PI it also seems like less, but probably depends on luck). In SI for example if I farm alone I get ~80-90k each mob, if iss is in the party we get ~27k each (~54 per mob). So the game favors farming alone. I dont mind to share cuz with some puller it would be faster and result would be the same but but since boosts don't work that way its better to farm alone. :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  15. MaoMao

    MaoMao User

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    Ebayer=adena buyer/seller on the black market, donator=l2store user. Two extremely different concepts.
    Yes, if you keep box in town, you will get less drops, or if you are in a party to check your chars elsewhere, even if not in town but out of the range. However, I cannot replicate your problem with less adena per mob if you farm in party (normal one, i.e. all chars in range).
    About drops, for example, in PI, aoe farming gives less drops per mob than single target, so, for example, one feoh farming one group of mobs in PI will get less drops than 1 titan even as the titan might farm fewer mobs/1 hour overall.
    Also drop rates vary hugely on some criteria I was never able to determine exactly. Yes, they vary by hour, by number of farmers, etc, but same hour and similar numbers i get sometimes 3 items, sometimes 18. That is not normal and cant really be explained stochastically.