Dear players, Today a patch was installed to our servers that brought changes to the PVP / PK system. Here's what's important to know about it: A clan can register other clans as hostile; If a clan was registered as hostile, then its members and summoned NPCs (pets/servitors) are recognized as enemies, regardless of their status (white/purple/red color of their nicknames); If the next target setting is set to “Characters” or “Any Target”, then members of the hostile clan are also targeted, even when using Auto Hunt; The attack of such characters and their creatures now occurs directly, without turning on the combat mode or using forced attack through ctrl button; Enemy targets have become susceptible to both ranged attacks and area damage; The consequences for attacking hostile characters remain the same: if an enemy player is “white” and they do not fight back, then the attacker receives a purple indicator (“flag” status), and in case of a murder they become PK (chaotic character, player killer); The use of positive area skills on hostile targets does not apply (for example, the Chain Heal skill), but if a member of a hostile clan is part of a command channel/group or a mercenary on a siege, then positive skills will be applied; Trading shops of hostile players are not available for viewing and buying/selling, while the cursor takes the form of a dialogue icon when hovering.