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Poetry contest: relationships in Lineage 2

Discussion in '2021' started by Senny, Feb 8, 2021.

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  1. Senny

    Senny Community Manager Innova Group

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    Good day, dear lineagers!

    Valentine's Day is just around the corner. While some confess their feelings to each other, others are trying to hide from amorous madness. Fortunately, this contest will appeal to both parties - those who have found their love and proud lone wolves.

    To the point

    The topic of the new poetry contest is relationships in Lineage 2. Share with us a story about your personal experience of meeting a girl/guy/close friend/loyal companion in the game in a form of a limerick. What did it lead to and how did it end or is it continuing to nowadays? Or maybe share your experience - is it fun to play MMORPG with your soul mate? To summarize: any funny poetic love stories in Lineage 2 are welcome.

    Let's recall the rules of versification ↓
    What is a limerick:
    - five lines
    - rhyme scheme of AABBA
    - the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme
    There was an old man with a beard,
    A funny old man with a beard
    He had a big beard
    A great big old beard
    That amusing old man with a beard.


    ◊ Applications are accepted from February 9nd till February 14th inclusive;
    ◊ Create a limerick on the mentioned above theme to participate in the contest. One participant can upload only 5 limericks in a 1 post;
    ◊ Add your nickname and indicate the server in the same post;
    ◊ The limerick must be a personal composition; found on the Internet and slightly altered works will not be accepted. The limerick must be created for this specific competition, i.e. not previously published anywhere;
    ◊ You agree with the fact that Administration has the right to use works, you presented, in marketing, advertising and other purposes;
    ◊ Your work must not break the rules of the game, the forum and the current legislature of Luxembourg. Official contest rules can be found here: https://eu-new.4game.com/legal/4game/4/
    The winners and their number will be decided by Lineage 2 Team. Results will be uploaded on February 16th.


    Among the participants, we will select several (depending on the number of participants) of the best limericks. They will receive codes with a prize that depends on the version of the game they play.

    For Lineage 2 players - pack of consumables: PA Scroll of Storm 90 pcs., Pa'agrio's Blessing - EXP 30 pcs., PA Ice Rose 30 pcs., Party Cake 15 pcs.
    For Lineage 2 Essence players - 4,000 L-coins.

    The winners

    Did we know that there are so many sword masters in the midst of our players? Yes, we did. But did we know that there are so many great poets? Now we do!

    Lineage 2 Team is greatful to all participants of this contest - you all did well. That is why every one of you is a winner!

    Congratulations to Healarious, MeFuriel, Xiaomi, ParabellumX, PhytonL2, AncientEvil, MrKain, HaxxingIsGod, EverBoy, Hastagem. You all will receive your prize in direct messages here on the forum pretty soon!

    This thread is only for work submission. You can discuss the contest > HERE <
  2. Healarious

    Healarious User

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    Once, during the dark night,
    born has been this dark knight,
    as appeared,
    he disappeared,
    never again world was right.

    Playing Lineage requires coffee,
    you need to try hard to be seen!
    No vitamins,
    nor ketamins,
    only coffeine it can be!

    Have you ever met Ashenie?
    She always say nie, nie!
    But she lies,
    she always tries
    to be as funny as Healarie!

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  3. MeFuriel

    MeFuriel User

    Likes Received:
    Violets are blue, roses are red,
    It's 2 AM and I need to go to bed.
    Weird thing I can't sleep tonight,
    Still keep thinking who pk me might.
    Im safe, char alive - after I left DCed.

    Mellow my best clan member
    Everyday about me remember.
    Keep sending me photos of food
    When I see them I feel very good!
    I'll send him gift on 6th December.

    Bad Aodh all day say about CL nasty thing,
    When I read them on chat it's embarrassing.
    Overworked hands, growing filthy soy
    I think he has feelings for me - oh boy!
    No nudes, send items and ill plan RL meeting!

    Almost everyday when he logs in, greet people very nicely in game
    But after a few minutes he starts his morning ritual and spam meme.
    Edo likes to shout: "I am the Sword Master!".
    But I'm telling you - over sword I prefer blaster.
    Don't ask him about the movie "Sword Master" or You won't be the same!

    Riding on his pink pony all naked in Mirror Forest.
    Highest level member in the clan but of all poorest.
    iR0D trying to scam items or other members gold.
    Doing it in front of other active ppl - he's very bold!
    Send me the juiciest weapons, you can keep the rest.

    Nick: Furiel
    Server: Blue
    Version: Essence
    Edo_Blue likes this.
  4. Xiaomi

    Xiaomi User

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    Today on the night
    A old man and a knight
    Cross the river to see what happening
    a big fight was comming
    blood moon on the sky and death knights fight

    the old man pray
    the death knight comes to slay
    the old man and a knigh run to the florest
    the death knight kill to rest
    death knight bring doomsday

    good knight fight for they lifes
    death knights kill like a knifes
    the old man and the knight were never seen again
    the winds carry they pain
    the old man and the knight lose theyr lifes.

    Tales of an old friendship , Elmoreden

    Nick : Xiaomi
    Server : Red
    Version : Essence
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  5. ParabellumX

    ParabellumX User

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    Blade dancers are red, Titans are cruel
    Death Knights will come to PK you.
    In the darkness of night,
    In absence of light
    Shillien Elder will hit you with heavenly might.

    Paladins will laugh, Ghost Sentinels will cry
    No one will know, when nor why.
    Doesn't matter if you're blue or red
    Soulbreakers will smash your head.
    It is unfair, that is true, Doomcryer will certainly murder you.

    Don't be too sad, you can revive
    Drink up a potion and look alive.
    Prophets will look into the future,
    Necromancers will apply the suture.
    Hell Knight will say final goodbye, so donors please, don't cry, don't cry.

    Nick: ParabellumX
    Server: Blue
    Version: Essence
    AncientEvil and Edo_Blue like this.
  6. DvorakL2

    DvorakL2 User

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    In the rules it was not specified that it needed to be written in English, as my English is not fluent, I wrote in Portuguese (following the rules of a limerick poem) :017:
    Reading in Portuguese, the rhyme scheme is following the rules of AABBA :07:

    Original Version:

    - Dar PK pode ser prazeroso
    - Mas tal prazer pode ser desgostoso
    - Enquanto uns matam
    - Outros morrem
    - Se com karma morrer e dropar, isso será vergonhoso

    - Lineage é um jogo antigo
    - Mas mesmo antigo, se mantém ativo
    - Pessoas vão
    - Pessoas chegarão
    - Um jogo que nunca será esquecido no limbo

    - Muitas amizades no Lineage
    - Muitas inimizades no Lineage
    - Relação de amor
    - Relação de dor
    - Esse é o tal do Lineage

    - Joguei muito quando criança
    - Quando adulto, gostaria de ainda ser criança
    - Passar o dia na lan house
    - Fingindo não ter house
    - Hoje em dia sabemos o quão bom é ser criança

    - Nos divertimos em Elmoreden
    - Sofremos em Elmoreden
    - Podemos passar anos sem jogar
    - Muito tempo sem se doar
    - Mas sempre voltaremos para Elmoreden

    Lineage 2 Essence
    Server: RED
    Nick: Phyton


    Google Translater Version:

    - Giving PK can be pleasurable
    - But such pleasure can be disgusting
    - While some kill
    - Others die
    - If with karma you die and drop, that will be shameful

    - Lineage is an old game
    - But even old, remains active
    - People go
    - People will arrive
    - A game that will never be forgotten in limbo

    - Many friendships in Lineage
    - Many enmities in the Lineage
    - Love relationship
    - Pain relationship
    - That's the Lineage

    - I played a lot as a child
    - As an adult, I would still like to be a child
    - Spend the day at the lan house
    - Pretending not to have a house
    - Nowadays we know how good it is to be a child

    - We had fun in Elmoreden
    - We suffer in Elmoreden
    - We can go years without playing
    - Long time without donating
    - But we will always return to Elmoreden
  7. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    I'm a warlock, I have four cats
    They are useless, they don't kill rats
    They use shots
    Lots and lots
    That's the story of my four pussycats.

    I have blaze, a spell that's cool
    Some might call it a useful tool
    It does damage
    I can manage
    But I can't kill a single fool

    I don't like ponnies and this is true
    Even if their spells are really blue
    They look sad
    They are bad
    One day G4yLord I will PK you.

    Server: Red
    Version: Essence
  8. MrKain

    MrKain User

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    Now that I think back on it I find it funny
    Made a friend in-game who read tips to make easy money.
    “Tyrr Titan has fame,
    To farm the game.”
    He was captivated by the class like a bear is drawn to honey.

    He got so excited like you would not see
    Never in my life have I witnessed such glee.
    “The raid is easy
    Don’t be queasy,
    In less than five minutes on our way we’ll be.”

    “The Titan is awesome, but with gear so poor.
    Don't even consider walking past that door.”
    Words fell on deaf ears
    He ignored my fears.
    Trust me on this, ‘twas not an easy chore.

    “The instance’s not so hard,” he said with a smirk
    We got in and slew the minions with very little work.
    I was the healer
    He thought he was the killer,
    But he did so little damage that the raid boss went berserk.

    Then the boss attacked the healer as if I did ask for it,
    He finished so fast with me like I was a little bit.
    When I clicked party return
    Tyrr Titan just felt the burn,
    Haven’t seen him in so long that I think he must have quit.

    Nickname: Taesia
    Server: Core
  9. HaxxingIsGod

    HaxxingIsGod User

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    One day I was driving down silent valley in my caddy,
    I look to my left and see this ExtraSweetie BP pking some luigi bots like a baddy,
    This makes me rock hard
    So I pull up next to her and give her my card
    She looks down and sees I'm packing a big 2h blunt and says "I'll call you soon daddy."

    She calls a few times and I let it just ring
    I know girls like that type of thing
    I snort some elpy powder
    I get the munchies for some sea of spores mushroom chowder
    After I pk some level 40s like warendo on my 85 I initiate my sting

    I call up this broad and ask her on a date,
    She seems to be a bit irate,
    I send her a pic of six pack
    And she sends me a pic of her rack
    Shortly after that I was depositing my adena in her tight little crate.

    Nickname: TwitchtvHaxxing
    Server: Red
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  10. EverBoy

    EverBoy User

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    1) in the lost land of the forgotten
    they told me to forget you
    more like i'm forgotten
    forgot to forget you

    2) I'm the sun, you're the moon
    when lilith make the eclipse
    my mouth will kiss your

    nickname : Quu
    Server Essence : Red
  11. Hastagem

    Hastagem User

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    On Aden's stairs, I found myself thrown;
    No money, no equipment, all bloody;
    A young man came, and asked what happened;
    I said: "Dear friend, here I am aimlessly";
    I got up from the stairs and went for a walk together.

    One beautiful afternoon of a radiant sun, I found a young girl without knowing what to do;
    I asked her name, she answers me with a smile;
    In giran right there I was enchanted with that young woman;
    In the church we got married and we happily celebrated;
    In the Lineage territories our adventures were just beginning.

    Nickname: Drunn
    Server Essence: Red
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