Huge lags after starting the 4Game Client

Discussion in 'Technical Questions' started by Batyda, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Batyda

    Batyda User

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    Hey guys,

    i have an issue where i have some huge laggs just after starting the 4Game Client (not even the game).

    After i start my whole computer starts lagging even after closing the client. I have to restart the pc to solve the Problem. The chance getting this issue is 50/50 sometimes it works for days. sometimes i have to restart my pc 5 times until it works. My Computer got no other issues in other tasks or games.

    the Laggs are only happening on my main monitor. The 2nd Screen is fine.

    Got anybody a fix?

    Windows 10
    RTX 2080 ti (OC) @ 3440x1440 Resolution
    i9 10900k (OC)
    32GB Ram