Good Day L2 Players of Core. Clan Name: PoundSand Clan Leader: Nahliah / Cl0bberst0mp Clan Level: 3 almost 4 Clan Objective: PvE / PvP Discord: Clan PoundSand is looking for players. We are currently level 3 and well on our way to level 4. Many of us moved from other servers to here and are a like minded community. We are pretty chill. Our goal is to enjoy the game and everything it has to offer from PvE, PvP, Olympiad, Siege, Fortress, Instances, Market and Economy. Many of play the game with an open mind to learning and new ideas. Confirming what some claim to be the best way and finding better ways along path. Our goal is really to build a fun open minded community for us all to enjoy the game. Current goals are for clan members might include more gear, reaching 110, getting into Ketra or Varka overnight parties or finding Aden Daily parties. We want to experience it all. If it sounds like you come join us. Clan is set to public for members to freely come and go as they please or help raise mentees for clan rep. See you there. Peace, Clobberstomp Discord is the easiest way to reach me. Clobberstomp#3543