Hi, I'm new to essence (I've been playing for about 2 months) and I have a few questions: I have a problem with books after 76 lev. How can I get them? I tried to buy them in aden but nobody is selling them and nobody says how to buy them. I read that on 40 lev I should get a random book, but I think I made a mistake because I didn't get anything. I read the guide on how to level a character in cata and necro, but you can't get in there, so there are probably serious errors in these instructions. The same goes for the "devil's island" there are no mobs to attack at all? Next thing, I read the guide and I see that the costs and things available in adena store also do not match and I seriously wonder if reading these guide has any sense at all? could the authors correct the errors in the instructions? Next thing, there is supposed to be some "talisman of speed" quest, could you please tell me where to find it? This is again information in the guidel, so maybe it's not there anymore. I have one more question? How do you earn adene? I'm currently 78 lev. I'm able to pull out about 1.6 KK adena after about 10 hours of farm on plans of lizardman. Considering that a A grade helmet costs 50-60 kk adena, it is a rather ridiculous sum. Currently, 1.6kk adena is enough to take part in the event, so I'm going on 0. thanks for reading and gl and hf
everything changed after fire nation attack. Places like necro,cata doesnt exist anymore , same with devil isle. Some of 76+ lvl books you can find at Aden Grocery Shop rest of the books you buy from people for bills of prices or gamble with giran seals that are only for casssh. Stuff for adena in lcoin shop is gone too. Now you can get speed talisman from Forgotten Island. How to get adena? have decent gear , then you can farm 1mil+/h by killing solo mobs easily. If you mass in dv or toi it can go up alot but for that you need pretty good gear. But then you get other problems if you massing you gonna be lacking Saya pots alot. And how to gear so you could farm any adena? gamble for it or buy l8000 and sell to players All those guides are from better times of essence when f2p was possible with decent random craft system. But they changed everything to full cash grab.