Black screen loading problem

Discussion in 'Technical Questions' started by Petite vache, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. Petite vache

    Petite vache User

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    Hi !
    I've been playing with 2 accounts recently.
    I have windows 10, and I had no problems until now.
    I used alt+tab to switch between windows and it was fine.
    My resolution is 1920*1080 and I play in fullscreen.

    But today when I tried to launch the game, I have a 5-10s black screen everytime I open the game window. It wouldn't be too much of a problem if I hadn't to switch between windows, but everytime I minimze the game and re-open it I have this black screen before the game appears. Both at character selection and in-game.

    It has become a big problem for dual account.
    If I want to switch between the 2 windows, I have in total between 10 and 20s of black screen. Which makes it horrible to play that way, since any of my character can die in the meanwhile. Also, it's just horribly frustrating, even when not taking dual account in consideration.

    I tried to :
    -reinstall the game
    -update my drivers
    -change the graphic settings (Direct 3D / AMD radeon)
    -play in windowed mode
    -changed the game resolution but staying in full screen
    -disable all graphic options (windows / fog / effect / lightmap)

    Of all of this, only playing in windowed mode and changing the game resolution worked.
    However by changing the game resolution I have big black bands on the side of my screen, and everything is a little more blurry. And playing in windowed mode leads to the game being overall a bit slower in my case (although I have a good computer) and I have the window tab on the top which bothers me, and also I often have a little bit of my desktop appearing on the side of the window.

    So ideally I would everything to get back to when I could play in fullscreen and not have almost 10s of black screen everytime I re-open the ragnarok window. But I have no ideas anymore. And I don't know where this comes from since I didn't have this problem earlier and nothing has changed on my computer (that I know of).

    Anyone has had this problem, or has any idea to how to fix this ?
  2. ALV57

    ALV57 User

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    Hello, before with my resolution, have bands on side like you, u should try another resolution, i play on pc portable like a 17" screen classic and i play with maximum resolution no problem, u should try different maybe that can resolve it, good luck ^^
  3. JesterK

    JesterK User

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    I would say to get used to run the game in windowed mode rather than fullscreen when you want to run dual clients.
    I play in windowed mode and I heard it too that the game runs smoother in fullscreen. I tried it but didn't really noticed it. I wasn't used to run the game in fullscreen and the worst part was the few seconds blacksreen when Alt+Tabbing windows, so I had to go back to windowed.
    The blackscreen probably comes from different resolutions between your fullscreen game and your monitor. The resolution from my monitor is 2560x1440 but there is no such ingame resolution, so it has to switch resolutions when you Alt+Tab. I assume there would be no blackscreens when you run a 1920x1080 monitor and the same ingame resolution.
  4. Petite vache

    Petite vache User

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    Little update about my problem :
    it went away on its own and sometimes come back.
    Often, I at least need to restart the computer.
    I sadly have no idea where it came from and no idea how to fix it.
    But at least it's not definitive and it's rare enough so that it doesn't bother me too much.

    Thanks a lot for your answers, sincerely.