Dear players, we have some important news, each of them is deafening like a Tyrr Maestro's hammer blow. ♦ Firstly, the global Master Class update will be installed in November. It will include patches released in Korea from March 24 to July 14. And this means that we are waiting for: a new Death Knight class, new levels of the Tower of Insolence and a new interserver territory — Conquest. If you want to learn more about the upcoming changes* now, then look at the translations of Korean patchnotes for the specified dates: March, April, May, June and July. ♦ Secondly, Conquest is a new round of interserver battles. In this zone, players from other servers automatically become your enemies, and the inhabitants of your home world become your allies. The new event either way displaces the old cross-server activities. Dimensional Siege & Raid will no longer be carried out after the update. With the release of the Master Class, all relevant content will be deleted: items, skills and NPCs. ♦ Thirdly, not only players from Core will meet on the fields of the Conquest world. Warriors from the Russian Lineage 2 servers (Airin, Elcardia, Hatos and Shyeed) will take part in the struggle for dominance over the territory. Yes, you heard right! For the first time, European and Russian players will be able to meet on the battlefield! We hope that the announced news has raised the fighting spirit! Master Class is coming. Soon™. *Reminder: it is not necessary that everything that is presented above will be included into the expected update. The development team responsible for overseas versions can change any content at its discretion or delete it altogether. Nevertheless, based on these patchnotes, you can imagine the overall picture of the long-awaited update. The current version on Live servers includes patches from November 18, 2020 to March 17, 2021.