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[Contest] Newbie guide for beginners 2021

Discussion in 'Players Guides' started by Lmhotep, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. Lmhotep

    Lmhotep User

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    [Contest] Newbie guide for beginners 2021
    Last Update: 13.10.2021
    Changed: A major changes in all game aspects
    Update name: Battle Chronicle
    Game version: L2 Essence
    Server: Ruby
    Character: Lmhotep


    Dear Players,

    Welcome to the L2 essence world. No matter if you are new in the L2 world or you are returning player. I will try to give you some tips how to start your L2 essence adventure.
    Please make sure to check tips, remarks, and current update highlights.

    Create your character, and start ....

    Before you start play, check first what you can get from Lineage Store:


    Depending on the time when you start you adventure you will get difference boxes and gifts.

    Some will be for free:


    And for some of them you will need to pay (even you wil see anual discounts):


    Others will be available only for certain time:

    In return you will receive gifts and consumables that will help you at start or will give you boost during your game.

    For any details of the current offer go to Knowledge base Lineage II (l2central.info) or use your L2 essence start menu.

    FIRST steps into L2 essence world.

    When you start your adventure fallow the guideline that in L2 Essence world will fallow you from the earliest levels to the high level of the game.

    Varius Quest and Tasks that you will perform will help you to understand game and fast level of your character.

    Some of the elements will not be shown in a first place and you will need to learn it or observe it by yourself. Bellow tips will help you to be more productive in your first days and also help you understand some important points.

    Tip: At the first levels, when you will not be equipped with good equipment do not learn all skills that you will have available. Also do not learn high level of your skills to not increase your mana consumption requirements - that will help you during next levels to be more productive in your game and will help you sustain longer usage of your basic skills.
    Pick wisely your needed skill (depending on your character) and also before leveling it up test your mana sustain.

    Important items for fast leveling are shown below.

    Magic Lamp Charging Potion: Increase your Magic Lamp charging abilities by 20%.


    Sayha Storm: Increase your XP and SP by 200%.
    REMARK: This buff will increase consumption of your Sayha Grace. Use it when you have enough Sayha potions or when your Sayha Grace is locked.


    Magic Fire: Increase your Magic Lamp charging abilities by 100%.
    Available only once for character below 76+. Use it very wisely.


    Sayha Storm: Increase your XP and SP for 300%.
    This is special buff available only for newbie up to 76+ us it before you achieve level 76.
    REMARK: This buff will increase consumption of your Sayha Grace. Use it when you have enough Sayha potions or when your Sayha Grace is locked.
    Transcendent Instance Zone

    Try to not use those boosts during your normal hunting. It will not bring you enough boost - better keep those for special instant zones that will give you sagnificant higher XP and SP points.

    During your daily quest you will have availability to perform Instance called:
    Transcendent Instance Zone


    This location (different for each level grade) will bring you a significant increase of your XP points, SP points, Lamp Charging points and also give you randomly craft points.

    Current Update Advantage: During those instant zones you will have opportunity to kill Raid Boss that will give you random set of consumables. Also your daily mission will give you increase number of consumables.

    IMPORTANT Tip: When you enter Instance Zone every day (instance zone take about 10 min) make sure you use: Magic Lamp Charging Potion + Sayha Storm buff and also other buffs for XP and SP. Also try to block your Sayha Grace (below better info how to block Sayha Grace).


    Each hunting area have its own Spirit attribute

    To be more effective you need to use dedicated Attribute attack:


    If you at Earth attribute hunting zone - use Fire Attribute.
    Water -> use Wind
    Wind -> use Earth
    Fire zone -> use Water

    Evolve each attribute by hunting in each hunting area with activated attribute.
    When you achieve maximum level of each of them Evolve attribute on the next evolution stage to obtain additional attack and defence parameters.

    Special Hunting Bosses.

    On Linage 2 Essence you have available Solo Raid Bosses. It means that you have availability to kill them by your own without party members. If you feel enough strong take your try and receive unique and sometimes rare rewords.

    Solo Raid Bosess you will find all around the map and they have 2 hour resown time.


    If you are very strong or you play with friend you can take your try on more stronger Raid Bosses that required Command channel parties. Those Raid Bosses gives you very good rewards.

    On L2 Essence you will also find Epic Bosses and also special bosses that will drop unique and very rear items.

    But as beginner please be prepared that you will not be able to kill any of those Raids if you do not belong to the top Clan.

    Orc Fortess

    If you are beginner or mid time player Daily event called Orc Fortress is very important.



    This event gives you 150.000.000 XP - and this can be achieved within less than 10 min if you are playing with good party members.
    This event is for players that have level 60+, so please do remember to participate at every event.
    Event is available for everybody starting from 20:00 server time. Even zone during the event is non PVP zone so you could be killed only by the monsters.Full event take 30 minutes but possibility to capture Fortress starting 10 minutes before end. Reward for capture of the fort is 30.000.000 adena.

    There is always announcement that inform you when the Orc Fortress even will begin.
    If you are newbie and you have no clan - please ask for a party at Global chat or anyone that you will find at that location.

    IMPORTANT Tip: Do this event everyday if you are player that have level 60+. After a while you will decide by your self if the XP and SP that you learn from that event is for you important. Event is not limited - and you could see there players that achieved level 90 also.


    Olympiad it is also another important event for everyone. One of players have a goal to become hero, others have a chance to get rewards that help to increase your XP and SP during hunting.You can get 3 type of rewards:

    Scroll that increase your XP and SP by 50%

    Special HP potion that gives you 500HP at each use.

    Olympiad Treasure Chest that give you random items (see below)

    To received those rewards you just need to win from 1-5 fight on Olympiad arenas.
    Additionally you can get Olympiad Treasure Chest when you participate during 50 Olympiad games. That is why it is important for newbies to collect those rewards each month.

    To collect this Treasure Cheast you do not need to win those games - just participate.

    IMPORTANT Tip: When you participate during Olympiad games and you will be moved on the stadium please take special buff from NPC that is on the middle of the arena. NPC will be able to give you special buff that could give you chances to win even with potentially stronger players. Buff takes only 60 seconds. You need to be fast...

    SPECIAL Hunting spot (Kishan, Noma, Keber)

    The last point that I wish to mention - that could be important for new players is hunting of special monsters that respown in three specific locations depending on the level. Those special monsters appears on special location identify by red flaming stone for time of 10 minutes and respown every full hour. Those special monsters that respown at Plains of Glory, War-Torn Plains and Silent Valley give your additional XP and SP, they increase your Magic Lamp charging an also gives significant higher value of adena. After 10 minutes in the same location appear strong Raid Boss.
    If Raid Boss will be conquer within 5 minutes will drop randomly special items.
    To go into those areas at each full hunt you talk to Bonnie in Aden.


    Special monsters to be hunt:






    I hope this Guide will help at least one person and will increase your knowledge and also decrease your time spend on leveling to the third profession.
    I hope you enjoy.
    If you need any support I’m stay for your disposal at Ruby server.

    PS: Sorry guys I was not able to edit pictures - but please find PDF file that consist all pictures inside that is equal to the submited contest topic.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2021
    __i7__ likes this.
  2. Lmhotep

    Lmhotep User

    Likes Received:
    Due to the fact that my previouse post is not avalible to be edited and due to a lot of kind players that try to help me I answering on my post by adding one more time my Contest guide with pictures. Thank you everyone for help.


    [Contest] Newbie guide for beginners 2021
    Last Update: 13.10.2021
    Changed: A major changes in all game aspects
    Update name: Battle Chronicle
    Game version: L2 Essence
    Server: Ruby
    Character: Lmhotep


    Dear Players,

    Welcome to the L2 essence world. No matter if you are new in the L2 world or you are returning player. I will try to give you some tips how to start your L2 essence adventure.
    Please make sure to check tips, remarks, and current update highlights.

    Create your character, and start ....

    Before you start play, check first what you can get from Lineage Store:


    Depending on the time when you start you adventure you will get difference boxes and gifts.

    Some will be for free:

    And for some of them you will need to pay:

    Others will be available only for certain time:

    In return you will receive gifts and consumables that will help you at start or will give you boost during your game.

    For any details of the current offer go to
    Knowledge base Lineage II (l2central.info) or use your L2 essence start menu.

    FIRST steps into L2 essence world.

    When you start your adventure fallow the guideline that in L2 Essence world will fallow you from the earliest levels to the high level of the game.

    Varius Quest and Tasks that you will perform will help you to understand game and fast level of your character.

    Some of the elements will not be shown in a first place and you will need to learn it or observe it by yourself. Bellow tips will help you to be more productive in your first days and also help you understand some important points.

    Tip: At the first levels, when you will not be equipped with good equipment do not learn all skills that you will have available. Also do not learn high level of your skills to not increase your mana consumption requirements - that will help you during next levels to be more productive in your game and will help you sustain longer usage of your basic skills.
    Pick wisely your needed skill (depending on your character) and also before leveling it up test your mana sustain.

    Important items for fast leveling are shown below.


    Transcendent Instance Zone

    Try to not use those boosts during your normal hunting. It will not bring you enough boost - better keep those for special instant zones that will give you sagnificant higher XP and SP points.

    During your daily quest you will have availability to perform Instance called:
    Transcendent Instance Zone


    This location (different for each level grade) will bring you a significant increase of your XP points, SP points, Lamp Charging points and also give you randomly craft points.

    Current Update Advantage: During those instant zones you will have opportunity to kill Raid Boss that will give you random set of consumables. Also your daily mission will give you increase number of consumables.

    IMPORTANT Tip: When you enter Instance Zone every day (instance zone take about 10 min) make sure you use: Magic Lamp Charging Potion + Sayha Storm buff and also other buffs for XP and SP. Also try to block your Sayha Grace (below better info how to block Sayha Grace).


    Each hunting area have its own Spirit attribute


    To be more effective you need to use dedicated Attribute attack:


    If you at Earth attribute hunting zone - use Fire Attribute.
    Water -> use Wind
    Wind -> use Earth
    Fire zone -> use Water

    Evolve each attribute by hunting in each hunting area with activated attribute.
    When you achieve maximum level of each of them Evolve attribute on the next evolution stage to obtain additional attack and defence parameters.
    Special Hunting Bosses.

    On Linage 2 Essence you have available Solo Raid Bosses. It means that you have availability to kill them by your own without party members. If you feel enough strong take your try and receive unique and sometimes rare rewords.

    Solo Raid Bosess you will find all around the map and they have 2 hour resown time.

    If you are very strong or you play with friend you can take your try on more stronger Raid Bosses that required Command channel parties. Those Raid Bosses gives you very good rewards.

    On L2 Essence you will also find Epic Bosses and also special bosses that will drop unique and very rear items.

    But as beginner please be prepared that you will not be able to kill any of those Raids if you do not belong to the top Clan.

    Orc Fortess

    If you are beginner or mid time player Daily event called Orc Fortress is very important.


    This event gives you 150.000.000 XP - and this can be achieved within less than 10 min if you are playing with good party members.
    This event is for players that have level 60+, so please do remember to participate at every event.
    Event is available for everybody starting from 20:00 server time. Even zone during the event is non PVP zone so you could be killed only by the monsters.Full event take 30 minutes but possibility to capture Fortress starting 10 minutes before end. Reward for capture of the fort is 30.000.000 adena.

    There is always announcement that inform you when the Orc Fortress even will begin.
    If you are newbie and you have no clan - please ask for a party at Global chat or anyone that you will find at that location.

    IMPORTANT Tip: Do this event everyday if you are player that have level 60+. After a while you will decide by your self if the XP and SP that you learn from that event is for you important. Event is not limited - and you could see there players that achieved level 90 also.


    Olympiad it is also another important event for everyone. One of players have a goal to become hero, others have a chance to get rewards that help to increase your XP and SP during hunting.You can get 3 type of rewards:


    To received those rewards you just need to win from 1-5 fight on Olympiad arenas.
    Additionally you can get Olympiad Treasure Chest when you participate during 50 Olympiad games. That is why it is important for newbies to collect those rewards each month.

    To collect this Treasure Cheast you do not need to win those games - just participate.
    IMPORTANT Tip: When you participate during Olympiad games and you will be moved on the stadium please take special buff from NPC that is on the middle of the arena. NPC will be able to give you special buff that could give you chances to win even with potentially stronger players. Buff takes only 60 seconds. You need to be fast...

    SPECIAL Hunting spot (Kishan, Noma, Keber)

    The last point that I wish to mention - that could be important for new players is hunting of special monsters that respown in three specific locations depending on the level. Those special monsters appears on special location identify by red flaming stone for time of 10 minutes and respown every full hour. Those special monsters that respown at Plains of Glory, War-Torn Plains and Silent Valley give your additional XP and SP, they increase your Magic Lamp charging an also gives significant higher value of adena. After 10 minutes in the same location appear strong Raid Boss.
    If Raid Boss will be conquer within 5 minutes will drop randomly special items.
    To go into those areas at each full hunt you talk to Bonnie in Aden.
    Special monsters to be hunt:


    I hope this Guide will help at least one person and will increase your knowledge and also decrease your time spend on leveling to the third profession.
    I hope you enjoy.
    If you need any support I'm stay for your disposal at Ruby server.

    This post is also for me a training to set all pictures in the right way. Thanks for understanding.
    BjorK.L2 likes this.