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Yul GS need advice

Discussion in 'Players helping players' started by iCyka, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. iCyka

    iCyka User

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    Hello all,

    After leaving the server in 2012, I come back today, i'm here - so i need some advice because i'm little lost, I have been there for 1 week, i'm french and i play solo in the server and i speak a little english.

    I'm a DE Yul Ghost sentinel Lv105 / Dual class Yul Sagittarus Lv 103.

    ATM i need to know, what i need to rush, quest, spot for leveling and what items i can make at this level in priority for upgrade my gear. sorry for my english. see ya later ig people.

    this is a screen on my dualclass, i have one set of dye on my main, obtained with the quest exalted.

  2. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    Do all the exalted quest, you will get a radiant warrior circlet and a better dragon shirt because it seems you have to old basic one.

    I cannot see what kind of bow you have, it might need to be upgraded. As for others items, buy the cheapest one giving you the highest boost. There were some tips given to players in this forum, it's somewhere but it's a bit outdated. I cannot really tell you what you need first because I need to know all the items you have (talismans too). I see you are missing an artifact book, buy one at Giran, and put some random artifact +0.

    Your Expert mask, either you make it +5, either you find an overenchanted Navari mask (+5 minimum) either you make an Heir Radiance.

    How do I check what to buy next or not on my toon ? I list in a spreadsheet all my current items. Then for each item I have, I write an "upgrade goal", check what kind of boosts I'm getting and the price. Then I decide if it's worth to get it now or in the future, or getting something else.

    Go make Coal Mine instance to be 106 fast. You can also make Imperial Tomb with a party, Storm Isle solo/duo and Kastia 105. I'm not sure if your toon is able to farm Corrored Fields and Primeval Isle. Find also a group to make 105 instances (Baylor, Ashen/Gludio, Kamaloka, Forest).
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  3. iCyka

    iCyka User

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    Hello NeoTiger, for start, really thx for your advice,
    I have trouble because since 2012, so much has changed

    in talisman, i have a longing, seven-sign, Abundance Lv1, Venir Lv14, Hellfire.
    these few tips enlighten me a little more on what to do. for example the radian and the shirt, I did not know that it is earned with the quest exalted, atm i need to drop 40000 items for a cloak exalted reward.

    Again thank you Neotiger, just having an answer motivates me even more.

  4. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    Longing and Hellfire talismans don't stack.

    There is now Shillien Soul Crystal, you need one on your weapon as third SA. It's better than this old Mystic Soul Crystal.

    You are missing Sayha Talisman, get one level 8.

    As for dyes, look in the market, there are level 5 Skill Power, P.Attack and P.Skill Crit Damage which are not expensive (5b each ?)
  5. iCyka

    iCyka User

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    Thx you for all this info !