Adventurer, when was the last time you have been out in a hunt? It is necessary from time to time to put your skills to test and keep your blade sharp. Join us on the massive Pest Control, we have many prizes for the milestones you complete, but do not waste any time, this Pest hunting season will end on March 10th. AchievementTaskRewardHostility towards AndreKill 100 AndreSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of AndreKill 500 AndreMedium Exterminator BoxAndre annihilationKill 2000 AndreLarge Exterminator Box Title: Andre SlayerHostility towards ArgosKill 100 ArgosSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of ArgosKill 500 ArgosMedium Exterminator BoxArgos annihilationKill 2000 ArgosLarge Exterminator Box Title: Argos SlayerHostility towards ChonchonKill 100 ChonchonSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of ChonchonKill 500 ChonchonMedium Exterminator BoxChonchon annihilationKill 2000 ChonchonLarge Exterminator Box Title: Chonchon SlayerHostility towards FabreKill 100 FabreSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of FabreKill 500 FabreMedium Exterminator BoxFabre annihilationKill 2000 FabreLarge Exterminator Box Title: Fabre SlayerHostility towards HornKill 100 HornSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of HornKill 500 HornMedium Exterminator BoxHorn annihilationKill 2000 HornLarge Exterminator Box Title: Horn SlayerHostility towards CreamyKill 100 CreamySmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of CreamyKill 500 CreamyMedium Exterminator BoxCreamy annihilationKill 2000 CreamyLarge Exterminator Box Title: Creamy SlayerHostility towards AmberniteKill 100 AmberniteSmall Exterminator BoxGetting rid of AmberniteKill 500 AmberniteMedium Exterminator BoxAmbernite annihilationKill 2000 AmberniteLarge Exterminator Box Title: AmberniteInsectophobeKill 1 Andre, 1 Argo, 1 Chonchon, 1 Fabre, 1 Horn, 1 Creamy, 1 AmberniteTitle: Insectophobe AchievementTaskRewardPoisonerKill 10 Players in PvPSmall Exterminator Box Title: PoisonerDeadly FighterKill 25 Players in PvP Medium Exterminator Box Title: DeadlyMerciless SlayerKill 50 Players in PvPLarge Exterminator Box Title: MercilessWhat a smell!Use 5 PigodiSmall Exterminator BoxIt's safe for peopleUse 5 Yummy Skewered GrillSmall Exterminator Box AchievementTaskRewardFly SwatterComplete Hostility towards Andre Hostility towards Argos Hostility towards Chonchon Hostility towards Fabre Hostility towards Horn Hostility towards Creamy Hostility towards AmberniteSmall Exterminator Box Title: Fly SwatterPest ControlComplete Getting rid of Andre Getting rid of Argos Getting rid of Chonchon Getting rid of Fabre Getting rid of Horn Getting rid of Creamy Getting rid of Ambernite Medium Exterminator Box Title: Pest ControlDesinsectorComplete Andre annihilation Argos annihilation Chonchon annihilation Fabre annihilation Horn annihilation Creamy annihilation Ambernite annihilationLarge Exterminator Box Title: Desinsector Small Exterminator Box A delicious reward for the mighty monster slayer! Eating this will make you even stronger! Contains: Yummy Skewered Grill x8 Pigodi x20 Weight: 1 Medium Exterminator Box A delicious reward for the mighty monster slayer! So much food! Now you don't have to worry about provisions! Contains: Yummy Skewered Grill x20 Pigodi x50 Weight: 1 Large Exterminator Box A delicious reward for the mighty monster slayer! A huge supply box for the strongest and most voracious hunters! Contains: Yummy Skewered Grill x40 Pigodi x100 Weight: 1 Pigodi Account Bound. Hot steamed pies stuffed with cabbage and meat. Eat carefully or you may burn yourself! Restores 10% HP. Weight: 1 Yummy Skewered Grill Account Bound. Skewers made from beef, chicken and onions. It looks very appetizing. Recovers 60% SP and HP Weight: 1