The maintenance is over, the server is online. Changelog: Events: — The "Tyr's Trial" event returned to Midgard; — The Eden Group quests minimum level requirements will be lowered until July 20. Shop: — The Trendsetter's Treasure is here both individually and in packs to bring out the power of elements and two unique items for enchantment. Check our Launcher and the Shop. — The Professional Shadow sets have just arrived to the launcher and will stay until 20.07. Fixes: — Now, once per 3 rounds, the Tournament Healer appears on Geffen Magic Tournament arena to heal you up; — Localization fixes. Finished activities: — The Poring Invasion event came to an end; — The gates to the most terrible place of Midgard - Bossnia were closed; — Bossnia Ticket and Bossnia Ticket Box were removed from the shop and launcher; — The Win-Win Machine was turned off. Have a great game!