Nickname: DiNelson There are three things in RO you can endlessly look at: how fire burns, how water flows and how Time Flows.
There are three things in RO you can endlessly look at: how fire burns, how water flows and how delicious the wildlife appears - Magistar
There are three things in RO you can endlessly look at: how fire burns, how water flows and... to check how you could rock that costume you cant afford! Name: Semantik
There are three things in RO you can endlessly look at: how fire burns, how water flows and... the appearance of unwanted!!!! character's nickname: Nike
Character Name: Feeya There are three things in RO you can endlessly look at: how fire burns, how water flows and... beautiful landscapes.
I demand a 10% cut since I casted both these songs and you probably used this screenshot to report me