Full Equipped Shadow SetBig Full Equipped Shadow SetShadow Professional Shield Box15Shadow Professional Gloves Box15Shadow Armor Box15Shadow Boots Box15Class Pendant Shadow Cube15Class Earring Shadow Cube15 Shadow Professional Shield Box Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the box and receive one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Shadow Runeknight Shield Shadow Runeknight Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Runeknight's skills. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. ASPD +1% when using [Enchant Blade]. [If refine lv is 7 or higher] ASPD +1 when using [Enchant Blade]. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ASPD +1 when using [Enchant Blade]. [Shadow Set] Shadow Runeknight Shield Shadow Runeknight Gloves [Sonic Wave] SP consumption -20%. Has a chance of auto casting [Ignition Break] Lv 3 on the enemy when dealing physical attack. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Runeknight Spoiler: Shadow Royalguard Shield Shadow Royalguard Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Royalguard's skills. [Earth Drive] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Earth Drive] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Royalguard Shield Shadow Royalguard Gloves [Cannon Spear] SP consumption -20%. Enables use of [Synthesized Shield] Lv 3. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 799 Job: Royalguard Spoiler: Shadow Mechanic Shield Shadow Mechanic Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Mechanic's skills. [Flame Launcher] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Flame Launcher] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Mechanic Shield Shadow Mechanic Gloves [Vulcan Arm] damage +20%. [Flame Launcher] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Mechanic Spoiler: Shadow Genetic Shield Shadow Genetic Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Genetic's skills. Max HP +3%. Defense +(refine lv * (skills lv [Cart Tornado] + [Cart Cannon] + [Geneticist Cart Boost])). [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Genetic Shield Shadow Genetic Gloves Cooldown of [Cart Tornado] -1 sec. Max HP +2%. Variable casting time of [Geneticist Cart Boost] -100%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Genetic Spoiler: Shadow Archbishop Shield Shadow Archbishop Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Archbishop's skills. [Adoramus] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Adoramus] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Archbishop Shield Shadow Archbishop Gloves Cooldown of [Adoramus] -1 sec. [Duple Light] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Archbishop Spoiler: Shadow Sura Shield Shadow Sura Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Sura's skills. [Sky Blow] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Sky Blow] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sura Shield Shadow Sura Gloves [Rampage Blast] damage +20%. [Sky Blow] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Sura Spoiler: Shadow Guillotine Cross Shield Shadow Guillotine Cross Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Guillotine Cross's skills. Cooldown of [Dark Claw] -10 sec. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Cooldown of [Dark Claw] -2 sec. [Shadow Set] Shadow Guillotine Cross Shield Shadow Guillotine Cross Gloves [Dark Illusion] damage +20%. Has a chance of auto casting [Dark Claw] Lv 1 on the enemy when dealing physical attack. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Guillotine Cross Spoiler: Shadow Shadowchaser Shield Shadow Shadowchaser Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Shadowchaser's skills. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. When using [Shadow Spell] ASPD +1% for 50 sec. [If refine lv +7 or higher] ASPD +1 for 50 sec. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ASPD +1 for 50 sec. [Shadow Set] hadow Shadowchaser Shield Shadow Shadowchaser Gloves [Triangle Shot] damage +20%. Long-range physical damage +2%. ATK, MATK +2%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Shadowchaser Spoiler: Shadow Warlock Shield Shadow Warlock Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Warlock's skills. [Earth Strain] damage +20%." [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Earth Strain] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Warlock Shield Shadow Warlock Gloves Cooldown of [Earth Strain] -4 sec. Cooldown of [Drain Life] -1 sec. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Warlock Spoiler: Shadow Sorcerer Shield Shadow Sorcerer Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Sorcerer's skills. Cooldown of [Earth Grave] -1 sec. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Cooldown of [Earth Grave] -0,3 sec. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sorcerer Shield Shadow Sorcerer Gloves [Diamond Dust] damage +20%. [Earth Grave] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Sorcerer Spoiler: Shadow Ranger Shield Shadow Ranger Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Ranger's skills. [Aimed Bolt] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Aimed Bolt] SP consumption -5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Ranger Shield Shadow Ranger Gloves [Aimed Bolt] damage +20%. [Bomb Cluster] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Ranger Spoiler: Shadow Minstrel Shield Shadow Minstrel Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Minstrel's skills. Max SP +3%. Magic Defense +(refine lv * (skills lv [Windmill Rush] + [Echo Song] + [Harmonize]) / 5). [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Minstrel Shield Shadow Minstrel Gloves Max HP, SP +2%. [For each 2 level of [Voice Lessons]] Long-range physical damage +1%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Minstrel Spoiler: Shadow Wanderer Shield Shadow Wanderer Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Wanderer's skills. Max SP +3%. Magic Defense +(refine lv * (skills lv [Moonlight Serenade] + [Lover Symphony] + [Swing Dance]) / 5). [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Wanderer Shield Shadow Wanderer Gloves Max HP, SP +2%. [For each 2 level of [Voice Lessons]] Long-range physical damage +1%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Wanderer Spoiler: Shadow Ninja Shield Shadow Ninja Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Ninja's skills. ASPD +1. [For each level of [Dagger Throwing Practice]] ATK +3. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Ignores 4% of defense and magic defense of normal monsters. [If refine lv +7 or higher] Ignores 10% of defense and magic defense of normal monsters. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] Ignores 10% of defense and magic defense of normal monsters. When using [Ninja Aura] ASPD +1 for 50 sec. [Shadow Set] Shadow Ninja Shield Shadow Ninja Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10% Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Ninja Spoiler: Shadow Taekwon Shield Shadow Taekwon Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Taekwon's skills. ATK, MATK +3%. [For each level of [Peaceful Break]] Ignores 3% of defense of normal monsters. [For each level of [Happy Break]] Ignores 3% of magic defense of normal monsters. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Ignores 3% of defense and magic defense of normal monsters. [If refine lv +7 or higher] ATK, MATK +2%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ATK, MATK +3%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Taekwon Shield Shadow Taekwon Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Taekwon Spoiler: Shadow Super Novice Shield Shadow Super Novice Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Super Novice's skills. Max HP +1000. Max SP +200. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. ASPD +1%. Variable casting time -1% [If refine lv +7 or higher] ATK, MATK +2%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ATK, MATK +3%. [For each level of [Double Attack]] ASPD +2%. [For each level of [Owl's Eye]] Variable casting time -2% [Shadow Set] Shadow Super Novice Shield Shadow Super Novice Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Novice Spoiler: Shadow Gunslinger Shield Shadow Gunslinger Shield Account Bound. Shadow Shield that grants bonuses to the Gunslinger's skills. Critical damage +5%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. CRIT +1. [If refine lv +7 or higher] Critical damage +2%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] Critical damage +3%. [For each level of [Single Action]] CRIT +2. [Shadow Set] Shadow Gunslinger Shield Shadow Gunslinger Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Gunslinger Spoiler: Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Shield Account bound. Shadow shield that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. ATK +3%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skill delay [Lunatic Carrot Beat] -0,2 s. [If refine lv +7 and higher] Skill damage [Lunatic Carrot Beat] +5%. [If refine lv +9 and higher] Skill damage [Lunatic Carrot Beat] +5%. When skill [Arclouse Dash] is using: ASPD +1 for 50 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP Consumption -10%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Shield Account bound. Shadow shield that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. MATK +3%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skill delay [Catnip Meteor] -0,1 s. [If refine lv +7 and higher] Skill damage [Catnip Meteor] +5%. [If refine lv +9 and higher] Skill damage [Catnip Meteor] +5%. When skill [Bunch of Shrimp] is using: Restores 5 SP every 5 s. for 30 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP Consumption -10%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shield Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Shadow Professional Gloves Box Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the box and receive one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Shadow Runeknight Gloves Shadow Runeknight Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Runeknight's skills. [Sonic Wave] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Sonic Wave] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Runeknight Shield Shadow Runeknight Gloves [Sonic Wave] SP consumption -20%. Has a chance of auto casting [Ignition Break] Lv 3 on the enemy when dealing physical attack. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Runeknight Spoiler: Shadow Royalguard Gloves Shadow Royalguard Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Royalguard's skills. [Cannon Spear] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Cannon Spear] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Royalguard Shield Shadow Royalguard Gloves [Cannon Spear] SP consumption -20%. Enables use of [Synthesized Shield] Lv 3. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Royalguard Spoiler: Shadow Mechanic Gloves Shadow Mechanic Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Mechanic's skills. [Vulcan Arm] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Vulcan Arm] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Mechanic Shield Shadow Mechanic Gloves [Vulcan Arm] damage +20%. [Flame Launcher] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Mechanic Spoiler: Shadow Genetic Gloves Shadow Genetic Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Genetic's skills. [Cart Tornado] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Cart Tornado] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Genetic Shield Shadow Genetic Gloves Cooldown of [Cart Tornado] -1 sec. Max HP +2%. Variable casting time of [Geneticist Cart Boost] -100%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Genetic Spoiler: Shadow Archbishop Gloves Shadow Archbishop Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Archbishop's skills. [Duple Light] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Duple Light] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Archbishop Shield Shadow Archbishop Gloves Cooldown of [Adoramus] -1 sec. [Duple Light] damage +20%." Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Archbishop Spoiler: Shadow Sura Gloves Shadow Sura Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Sura's skills. Cooldown of [Rampage Blast] -2 sec. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. Cooldown of [Rampage Blast] -0,5 sec. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sura Shield Shadow Sura Gloves [Rampage Blast] damage +20%. [Sky Blow] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Sura Spoiler: Shadow Guillotine Cross Gloves Shadow Guillotine Cross Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Guillotine Cross's skills. [Dark Illusion] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1 [Dark Illusion] SP consumption -3%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Guillotine Cross Shield Shadow Guillotine Cross Gloves [Dark Illusion] damage +20%. Has a chance of auto casting [Dark Claw] Lv 1 on the enemy when dealing physical attack. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Guillotine Cross Spoiler: Shadow Shadowchaser Gloves Shadow Shadowchaser Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Shadowchaser's skills. [Triangle Shot] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Triangle Shot] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Shadowchaser Shield Shadow Shadowchaser Gloves [Triangle Shot] damage +20%. Long-range physical damage +2%. ATK, MATK +2%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Shadowchaser Spoiler: Shadow Warlock Gloves Shadow Warlock Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Warlock's skills. [Drain Life] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Drain Life] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Warlock Shield Shadow Warlock Gloves Cooldown of [Earth Strain] -4 sec. Cooldown of [Drain Life] -1 sec. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Warlock Spoiler: Shadow Sorcerer Gloves Shadow Sorcerer Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Sorcerer's skills Cooldown of [Diamond Dust] -1 sec. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. Cooldown of [Diamond Dust] -0,3 sec. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sorcerer Shield Shadow Sorcerer Gloves [Diamond Dust] damage +20%. [Earth Grave] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Sorcerer Spoiler: Shadow Ranger Gloves Shadow Ranger Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Ranger's skills. [Bomb Cluster] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Bomb Cluster] damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Ranger Shield Shadow Ranger Gloves [Aimed Bolt] damage +20%. [Bomb Cluster] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Ranger Spoiler: Shadow Minstrel Gloves Shadow Minstrel Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Minstrel's skills. Max HP +3%. Defense +(refine lv * (skills lv [Windmill Rush] + [Echo Song] + [Harmonize])) [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Shadow Set] Shadow Minstrel Shield Shadow Minstrel Gloves Max HP, SP +2%. [For each 2 level of [Voice Lessons]] Long-range physical damage +1%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Minstrel Spoiler: Shadow Wanderer Gloves Shadow Wanderer Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Wanderer's skills. Max HP +3%. Defense +(refine lv * (skills lv [Moonlight Serenade] + [Lover Symphony] + [Swing Dance])) [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [Shadow Set] Shadow Wanderer Shield Shadow Wanderer Gloves Max HP, SP +2%.", [For each 2 level of [Voice Lessons]] Long-range physical damage +1% Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 99 Job: Wanderer Spoiler: Shadow Ninja Gloves Shadow Ninja Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Ninja's skills. ATK, MATK +3%. Cooldown of [Kunai Explosion] -2 sec. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. [If refine lv +7 or higher] ATK, MATK +3%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ATK, MATK +4%. [For each level of [Ninja Mastery]] MATK +3. [Shadow Set] Shadow Ninja Shield Shadow Ninja Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Ninja Spoiler: Shadow Taekwon Gloves Shadow Taekwon Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Taekwon's skills. ASPD +1. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. ATK, MATK +1%. [If refine lv +7 or higher] ASPD +1. Max HP +1000. Max SP +200. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ASPD +1. Max HP/SP +10%. [Shadow Set] Shadow Taekwon Shield Shadow Taekwon Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Taekwon Spoiler: Shadow Super Novice Gloves Shadow Super Novice Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Super Novice's skills. Max HP +1000. Max SP +200. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. Ignores 3% of defense and magic defense of normal monsters [If refine lv +7 or higher] Max HP/SP +5%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] Max HP/SP +5%. SP recovery speed +100%. [For each level of [Sword Mastery]] Ignores 3% of defense of normal monsters. [For each level of [Increase SP Recovery]] Ignores 3% of magic defense of normal monsters. [Shadow Set] Shadow Super Novice Shield Shadow Super Novice Glove All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Novice Spoiler: Shadow Gunslinger Gloves Shadow Gunslinger Gloves Account Bound. Shadow Gloves that grants bonuses to the Gunslinger's skills. ASPD +1. [For each refine lv] ATK, MATK +1. Ignores 3% of defense of normal monsters. [If refine lv +7 or higher] ASPD +1. Long-range physical damage +3%. [If refine lv is 9 or higher] ASPD +1. Long-range physical damage +5%. [For each level of [Snake Eyes]] Ignores 3% of defense of normal monsters. [Shadow Set] Shadow Gunslinger Shield Shadow Gunslinger Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP consumption -10%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Gloves Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Gunslinger Spoiler: Sh. Doram Mage Gloves Sh. Doram Mage Gloves Account bound. Shadow gloves that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. Variable Casting Time -5%. [For each refine lv] Физ. and Маг. атака +1. Variable Casting Time -1%. [If refine lv +7 and higher] MATK +5%. [If refine lv +9 and higher] MATK +5%. [If skill [Power of Land] is known] Fixed casting time -0,1 s. [If skill [Power of Sea] is known] SP Consumption -3%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP Consumption -10%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Weapon Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Battler Gloves Sh. Doram Battler Gloves Account bound. Shadow gloves that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. [For each refine lv] Long-ranged physical damage +1%. ATK/MATK +1. [If refine lv +7 and higher] Perfect Dodge +2. [If refine lv +9 and higher] Perfect Dodje +3. [If skill [Spirit of Land] is known] ASPD +1. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +3. Max HP/SP +2%. SP Consumption -10%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Weapon Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Shadow Armor Box Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the box and receive one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Shadow Knight Armor Shadow Knight Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Knight's skills. [Bowling Bash] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] [Bowling Bash] SP consumption -3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Knight Boots Shadow Knight Armor [Pierce] SP consumption -20%. [Bowling Bash] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Swordsman Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Crusader Armor Shadow Crusader Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Crusader's skills. [Grand Cross] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Grand Cross] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Crusader Boots Shadow Crusader Armor [Holy Cross] damage +20%. [Grand Cross] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Swordsman Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Blacksmith Armor Shadow Blacksmith Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Blacksmith's skills. When using [Weapon Perfection]: Damage against any size monsters +5% for 50 seconds [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each refine lv above 6] When using [Weapon Perfection]: Damage against any size monsters +1% for 50 seconds [Shadow Set] Shadow Blacksmith Boots Shadow Blacksmith Armor Damage against any size monsters +3%. [Weapon Perfection] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Merchant Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Alchemist Armor Shadow Alchemist Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Alchemist's skills. Increases Atk equal to level of [Potion Research] user learned. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each refine lv above 6] Increases Atk by formula [(1 + (refine rate - 6)) * level of [Potion Research] user learned]. [Shadow Set] Shadow Alchemist Boots Shadow Alchemist Armor Enables use of [Adrenaline Rush] Lv 3. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Merchant Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Priest Armor Shadow Priest Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Priest's skills. [Magnus Exorcismus] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Magnus Exorcismus] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Priest Boots Shadow Priest Armor MATK +3% [Magnus Exorcismus] variable casting time -40%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Acolyte Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Monk Armor Shadow Monk Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Monk's skills. [Throw Spirit Sphere] damage +20%. [Occult Impaction] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Throw Spirit Sphere] damage +5%. [Occult Impaction] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Monk Boots Shadow Monk Armor [Raging Quadruple Blow] SP consumption -20%. [Throw Spirit Sphere] SP consumption -20%. [Occult Impaction] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Acolyte Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Assassin Armor Shadow Assassin Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Assassin's skills. [Sonic Blow] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] [Sonic Blow] SP consumption -3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Assassin Boots Shadow Assassin Armor [Grimtooth] SP consumption -20%. [Sonic Blow] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Thief Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Rogue Armor Shadow Rogue Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Rogue's skills. [Sightless Mind] damage +20% [For each refine lv] [Sightless Mind] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Rogue Boots Shadow Rogue Armor Damage against any size monsters +3%. [Sightless Mind] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Thief Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Wizard Armor Shadow Wizard Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Wizard's skills. [Jupitel Thunder] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Jupitel Thunder] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Wizard Boots Shadow Wizard Armor [Meteor Storm] damage +20%. [Lord of Vermilion] damage +20%. [Storm Gust] damage +20%. [Jupitel Thunder] variable casting time -40%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Mage Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Sage Armor Shadow Sage Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Sage's skills. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. When using [Hindsight]: ASPD +1% for 50 seconds. [If refine lv 7 or higher] When using [Hindsight]: ASPD + 1 for 50 seconds. [If refine lv 9 or higher] When using [Hindsight]: ASPD + 1 for 50 seconds. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sage Boots Shadow Sage Armor [Heaven's Drive] variable casting time -40%. MATK +3% Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Mage Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Hunter Armor Shadow Hunter Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Hunter's skills. [Claymore Trap] damage +20%. [Land mine] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Claymore Trap] damage +5%. [Land mine] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Hunter Boots Shadow Hunter Armor Damage against any size monsters +3% [Claymore Trap] SP consumption -20% [Land Mine] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Bard Armor Shadow Bard Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Bard's skills. When using [Unchained Serenade], [Magic Strings], [Impressive Riff], [Song of Lutie], [Perfect Tablature]:Recover 5 SP per 5 seconds for 30 seconds. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. When using [Unchained Serenade], [Magic Strings], [Impressive Riff], [Song of Lutie], [Perfect Tablature]: Recover 1 more SP per 5 seconds for 30 seconds. [Shadow Set] Shadow Bard Boots Shadow Bard Armor When using [Amp]: Increases movement speed for 5 sec. ASPD +50% for 5 secs. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Dancer Armor Shadow Dancer Armor Account Bound. Shadow Armor that grants bonuses to the Dancer's skills. When using [Slow Grace], [Gypsy's Kiss], [Lady Luck], [Focus Ballet], [Hip Shaker]:Recover 5 SP per 5 seconds for 30 seconds. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. When using [Slow Grace], [Gypsy's Kiss], [Lady Luck], [Focus Ballet], [Hip Shaker]:Recover 1 more SP per 5 seconds for 30 seconds. [Shadow Set] Shadow Dancer Boots Shadow Dancer Armor When using [Amp]: Increases movement speed for 5 sec. ASPD +50% for 5 secs. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Sh. Oboro Armor Sh. Oboro Armor Account bound. Shadow armor that grants bonuses to the Oboro's skills. Skills damage [Flaming Petals], [Freezing Spear] and [Wind Blade] +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skills damage [Flaming Petals], [Freezing Spear] and [Wind Blade] +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Oboro Armor Sh. Oboro Boots Skill delay [Illusion - Shadow] -1 s. Water, Fire and Wind properties magical damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Oboro Armor Sh. Oboro Boots Sh. Ninja Shield Sh. Ninja Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Ninja jobs Spoiler: Sh. Kagerou Armor Sh. Kagerou Armor Account bound. Shadow armor that grants bonuses to the Kagerou's skills. Skill damage [Swirling Petal] +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skill damage [Swirling Petal] +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Kagerou Armor Sh. Kagerou Boots Skill delay [Cross Slash] -1 s. Long-range physical damage +5% [Shadow Set] Sh. Kagerou Armor Sh. Kagerou Boots Sh. Ninja Shield Sh. Ninja Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Ninja jobs Spoiler: Sh. Rebellion Armor Sh. Rebellion Armor Account bound. Shadow armor that grants bonuses to the Rebellion's skills. Skill delay [Hit Barrel] -1 s. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each 2 refine lv] Skill delay [Hit Barrel] -1 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Rebellion Armor Sh. Rebellion Boots Skill delay [Hit Barrel] -4 s. Skill delay [God's Hammer] -2 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Rebellion Armor Sh. Rebellion Boots Sh. Gunslinger Shield Sh. Gunslinger Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Gunslinger jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Armor Account bound. Shadow armor that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. Skill damage [Catnip Meteor] +20%. [For each refine lv] Skill damage [Silvervine Stem Spear] +3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Skill delay [Silvervine Stem Spear] -1 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Armor Account bound. Shadow armor that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. Skill damage [Picky Peck] +20%. [For each refine lv] Skill damage [Lunatic Carrot Beat] +3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Skill delay [Lunatic Carrot Beat] -3 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Shadow Boots Box Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the box and receive one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Shadow Knight Boots Shadow Knight Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Knight's skills. [Pierce] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Pierce] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Knight Boots Shadow Knight Armor [Pierce] SP consumption -20%. [Bowling Bash] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Swordsman Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Crusader Boots Shadow Crusader Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Crusader's skills. [Holy Cross] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] [Holy Cross] SP consumption -3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Crusader Boots Shadow Crusader Armor [Holy Cross] damage +20%. [Grand Cross] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Swordsman Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Blacksmith Boots Shadow Blacksmith Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Blacksmith's skills. [Hammer Fall] SP consumption -20%. [Adrenaline Rush] SP consumption -20%. [For each refine lv] [Hammer Fall] SP consumption -5%." [Adrenaline Rush] SP consumption -5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Blacksmith Boots Shadow Blacksmith Armor Damage against any size monsters +3%. [Weapon Perfection] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Merchant Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Alchemist Boots Shadow Alchemist Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Alchemist's skills. Heal effectiveness +30%. [For each refine lv] Heal effectiveness +7%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Alchemist Boots Shadow Alchemist Armor Enables use of [Adrenaline Rush] Lv 3. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Merchant Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Priest Boots Shadow Priest Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Priest's skills. [Kyrie Eleison] SP consumption -20%. [Lex Aeterna] SP consumption -20% [For each refine lv] [Kyrie Eleison] SP consumption -3%. [Lex Aeterna] SP consumption -3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Priest Boots Shadow Priest Armor MATK +3% [Magnus Exorcismus] variable casting time -40%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Acolyte Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Monk Boots Shadow Monk Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Monk's skills. [Raging Quadruple Blow] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Raging Quadruple Blow] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Monk Boots Shadow Monk Armor [Raging Quadruple Blow] SP consumption -20% [Throw Spirit Sphere] SP consumption -20%. [Occult Impaction] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Acolyte Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Assassin Boots Shadow Assassin Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Assassin's skills. [Grimtooth] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Grimtooth] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Assassin Boots Shadow Assassin Armor [Grimtooth] SP consumption -20%. [Sonic Blow] damage +20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Thief Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Rogue Boots Shadow Rogue Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Rogue's skills. Increases Atk equal to level of [Sword Mastery] user learned. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each refine lv above 6] Increases Atk by formula [(1 + (refine rate - 6)) * level of [Sword Mastery] user learned]. [Shadow Set] Shadow Rogue Boots Shadow Rogue Armor Damage against any size monsters +3%. [Sightless Mind] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Thief Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Wizard Boots Shadow Wizard Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Wizard's skills. [Meteor Storm] variable casting time -20%. [Lord of Vermilion] variable casting time -20%. [Storm Gust] variable casting time -20%. [For each refine lv] [Meteor Storm] variable casting time -3%. [Lord of Vermilion] variable casting time -3%. [Storm Gust] variable casting time -3%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Wizard Boots Shadow Wizard Armor [Meteor Storm] damage +20%. [Lord of Vermilion] damage +20%. [Storm Gust] damage +20%. [Jupitel Thunder] variable casting time -40%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Mage Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Sage Boots Shadow Sage Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Sage's skills. [Heaven's Drive] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Heaven's Drive] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Sage Boots Shadow Sage Armor [Heaven's Drive] variable casting time -40%. MATK +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Mage Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Hunter Boots Shadow Hunter Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Hunter's skills. [Blitz Beat] damage +20%. [Falcon Assault] damage +20%. [For each refine lv] [Blitz Beat] damage +5%. [Falcon Assault] damage +5%. Max HP +10. [Shadow Set] Shadow Hunter Boots Shadow Hunter Armor Damage against any size monsters +3%. [Claymore Trap] SP consumption -20%. [Land Mine] SP consumption -20%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Bard Boots Shadow Bard Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Bard's skills. Increases Atk equal to level of [Music Lessons] user learned. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each refine lv above 6] Increases Atk by formula [(1 + (refine rate - 6)) * level of [Music Lessons] user learned]. [Shadow Set] Shadow Bard Boots Shadow Bard Armor When using [Amp]: Increases movement speed for 5 sec. ASPD +50% for 5 secs. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Shadow Dancer Boots Shadow Dancer Boots Account Bound. Shadow Boots that grants bonuses to the Dancer's skills. Increases Atk equal to level of [Dance Lessons] user learned. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each refine lv above 6] Increases Atk by formula [(1 + (refine rate - 6)) * level of [Dance Lessons] user learned]. [Shadow Set] Shadow Dancer Boots Shadow Dancer Armor When using [Amp]: Increases movement speed for 5 sec. ASPD +50% for 5 secs. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Lv.: 1 Job: Archer Jobs Spoiler: Sh. Oboro Boots Sh. Oboro Boots Account bound. Shadow shoes that grants bonuses to the Oboro's skills. Skill delay [Illusion - Shadow] -1 s. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each 2 refine lv] Skill delay [Illusion - Shadow] -1 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Oboro Armor Sh. Oboro Boots Skill delay [Illusion - Shadow] -1 s. Water , Fire and Wind properties magical damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Oboro Armor Sh. Oboro Boots Sh. Ninja Shield Sh. Ninja Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Ninja jobs Spoiler: Sh. Kagerou Boots Sh. Kagerou Boots Account bound. Shadow shoes that grants bonuses to the Kagerou's skills. Skill damage [Kunai Splash] +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skill damage [Kunai Splash] +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Kagerou Armor Sh. Kagerou Boots Skill delay [Cross Slash] -1 s. Long-range physical damage +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Kagerou Armor Sh. Kagerou Boots Sh. Ninja Shield Sh. Ninja Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Ninja jobs Spoiler: Sh. Rebellion Boots Sh. Rebellion Boots Account bound. Shadow shoes that grants bonuses to the Rebellion's skills. Skill damage [God's Hammer] +20%. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. Skill damage [God's Hammer] +5%. [Shadow Set] Sh. Rebellion Armor Sh. Rebellion Boots Skill delay [Hit Barrel] -4 s. Skill delay [God's Hammer] -2 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Rebellion Armor Sh. Rebellion Boots Sh. Gunslinger Shield Sh. Gunslinger Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Gunslinger jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Mage Boots Sh. Doram Mage Boots Account bound. Shadow shoes that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. Skill delay [Chattering] -3 s. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each 2 refine lv] Skill delay [Chattering] -3 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Skill delay [Silvervine Stem Spear] -1 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Mage Armor Sh. Doram Mage Boots Sh. Doram Mage Shield Sh. Doram Mage Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Spoiler: Sh. Doram Battler Boots Sh. Doram Battler Boots Account bound. Shadow shoes that grants bonuses to the Summoner's skills. Skill delay [Hiss] -3 s. [For each refine lv] Max HP +10. [For each 2 refine lv] Skill delay [Hiss] -3 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Skill delay [Lunatic Carrot Beat] -3 s. [Shadow Set] Sh. Doram Battler Armor Sh. Doram Battler Boots Sh. Doram Battler Shield Sh. Doram Battler Gloves All stats +7. Max HP and SP +3%. Ignores 50% of physical and magical defense rate of normal size enemies and players. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Shoes Defense: 0 Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: Summoner jobs Class Pendant Shadow Cube A chest containing shadow pendant that grants its owner bonuses to using class skills. Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the chest and get one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Swordman Shadow Pendant Swordman Shadow Pendant Once upon a time, this pendant belonged to a legendary hero. It helps to reveal the owner's hidden talents. Account bound Increases the damage of Magnum Break by 20%. For every upgrade level of Swordman Shadow Pendant, increases Magnum Break damage by an additional 5% Set Bonus (Swordman Shadow Pendant + Swordman Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Merchant Shadow Pendant Merchant Shadow Pendant Account bound Increases the damage of Cart Revolution by 20%. For every upgrade level of Merchant Shadow Pendant, increases Cart Revolution damage by an additional 5%. Set Bonus (Merchant Shadow Pendant + Merchant Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Acolyte Shadow Pendant Acolyte Shadow Pendant Account bound Increases the damage of Holy Light by 20%. For every upgrade level of Acolyte Shadow Pendant, increases Holy Light damage by an additional 10%. Set Bonus (Acolyte Shadow Pendant + Acolyte Shadow Earring) : MATK +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: MATK +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Thief Shadow Pendant Thief Shadow Pendant Account bound Increases the damage of Envenom by 20%. For every upgrade level of Thief Shadow Pendant, increases Envenom damage by an additional 10%. Set Bonus (Thief Shadow Pendant + Thief Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Magician Shadow Pendant Magician Shadow Pendant Account bound Increases the damage of Fire Wall by 20%. For every upgrade level of Magician Shadow Pendant, increases Fire Wall damage by an additional 5%. Set Bonus (Magician Shadow Pendant + Magician Shadow Earring) : MATK +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: MATK +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Archer Shadow Pendant Archer Shadow Pendant Account bound Increases the damage of Arrow Shower by 20%. For every upgrade level of Archer Shadow Pendant, increases Arrow Shower damage by an additional 10%. Set Bonus (Archer Shadow Pendant + Archer Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Pendant Defense: 0 Location: Left Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Class Earring Shadow Cube A chest containing shadow earring that grants its owner bonuses to using class skills. Shadow items can be exchanged via Dovmihr Open the chest and get one of the following items: Spoiler: Contents of the box Spoiler: Swordman Shadow Earring Swordman Shadow Earring Once upon a time, this earring belonged to a legendary hero. It helps to reveal the owner's hidden talents. Account bound Reduces SP cost of Bash by 20%. For every refine level reduces SP cost of Bash by 3%. Set Bonus (Swordman Shadow Pendant + Swordman Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Merchant Shadow Earring Merchant Shadow Earring Account bound Increase Damage of Mammonite by 20% For every refine level, increase of the Mammonite damage by 5% Set Bonus (Merchant Shadow Pendant + Merchant Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Acolyte Shadow Pendant Acolyte Shadow Pendant Account bound Reduces the SP cost of Heal by 20%. For every upgrade level of Acolyte Shadow Earring, reduces SP cost of Heal by an additional 3%. Set Bonus (Acolyte Shadow Pendant + Acolyte Shadow Earring) : MATK +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: MATK +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Magician Shadow Pendant Magician Shadow Pendant Account bound Reduces variable casting time of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt by 20%. For every upgrade level of Magician Shadow Earring, reduces variable casting time of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt by an additional 5%. Set Bonus (Magician Shadow Pendant + Magician Shadow Earring) : MATK +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: MATK +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Thief Shadow Earring Thief Shadow Earring Account bound When using Stone Fling, with a 20% chance ATK, Flee +30 for 5 sec. ATK, Flee +10 per every refine level. Set Bonus (Thief Shadow Pendant + Thief Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Spoiler: Archer Shadow Earring Archer Shadow Earring Account bound When using Double Strafe, with a 20% chance ATK, HIT +30 for 5 sec. ATK, HIT +10 per every refine level. Set Bonus (Archer Shadow Pendant + Archer Shadow Earring) : Weapon ATK Power +1% MaxHP +1% If total refine levels of entire set at least +10: Weapon ATK Power +2% MaxHP +2%. Class: Shadow Earring Defense: 0 Location: Right Shadow Accessory Weight: 1 Required Level: 1 Job: All Number of slots: 0 Enriched Elunium Account bound An enriched elunium that can be found only deep underground. Used as a material to make stronger armor. Increases armor's refine success rate. Only Suhnbi of Prontera is capable of working with this material. Weight: 0