UPD: The event will be extended until 7.12 A wanderer stands in Prontera and tells horror stories of a cave full of the world's most powerful monsters. But now, according to the tales of the survivors, this cave has grown even larger and more complex, and is called 'Royal'. And the wanderer still marvels at his listeners' desire to enter it, where the stakes are high, but the rewards are also good. The portal to Bossnia will be open from 22.11 to 06.12. You will need the Bossnia Crown to enter. In Royal Bossnia, we have listened to what players have been telling us they wanted: we have put a time limit on the item that allows you to enter the dungeon, reduced the number of monsters after a server reboot and increased the total number of monsters per hour, and added many new mobs. Spoiler: Mob list in room 1 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniOftenDraculaOftenOrc HeroOftenMayaOftenMoonlight FlowerOftenGiant OctopusOftenGiant EggringOftenWhite LadyOftenTurtle GeneralOftenOsirisOftenAmon RaOftenOrc LordOftenDoppelgangerOftenMistressOftenDrakeOftenPharaohOftenDark LordOftenLady TaneeOftenBoitataOftenGarmOftenLord of the DeadOftenSamurai SpecterOftenKublinOftenVenomous ChimeraOftenTendrilrionOftenRSX-0806OftenAtroceOftenGopinichOftenCoelacanthOftenQueen ScarabaOftenEddgaOftenVenomous ChimeraUsuallyWandering DragonUsuallyCorrupted RootUsuallyTao GunkaUsuallyHeart Hunter EbelInfrequentlyBijouInfrequentlythe Last oneRarelyKing of the alleyRarelyEvil FanaticVery rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: Mob list in room 2 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniOftenAtroceOftenBaphometOftenGopinichOftenEvil Snake LordOftenQueen ScarabaOftenTurtle GeneralOftenDrakeOftenAmon RaOftenBoitataOftenDark LordOftenEddgaOftenGarmOftenGeneral DaehyunOftenOsirisOftenPharaohOftenMistressOftenLeakOftenLord of the DeadOftenPet childOftenRSX-0806OftenWhite LadyOftenSamurai SpecterOftenStormy KnightOftenVenomous ChimeraOftenVesperOftenEgnigem CeniaOftenDark CoelacanthOftenGrotesque CoelacanthOftenTao GunkaUsuallyCrazy FerlockUsuallyGloom Under NightInfrequentlyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyWounded MoroccInfrequentlyShadow of NydhoggRarelyMemory of ThanatosRarelyThe Death AnkouVery rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: Mob list in room 3 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniOftenDetardeurusOftenQueen scarabaOftenVesperOftenIfritOftenKtullanuxOftenValkyrie RandgrisOftenHardrock MommothOftenAmon RaOftenAmdaraisOftenAngry Moonlight FlowerOftenBeelzebubOftenBuwayaOftenIllusion DraculaOftenFaceworm QueenOftenKrakenOftenSpider ChariotOftenStefan Jack Ernest WolfOftenFallen BishopOftenAngry Student PyurielOftenDead Guardian KadesOftenGarmOftenStormy KnightOftenMiguelOftenLeakOftenFerocious CoelacanthOftenMutant CoelacanthOftenEntweihen CrothenOftenGrand PereUsuallyWounded MoroccUsuallyTao GunkaUsuallyShadow of NydhoggInfrequentlyGloom Under NightInfrequentlyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyNaght SiegerRarelyMemory of ThanatosRarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 3Very rare1 Random MVP from Biolab. 4Very rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 3 Paladin RandelCreator FlamelProfessor CeliaChampion ChenStalker Gertie Clown AlphochioGypsy Trentini Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 4 Lord Knight Seyren Assassin Cross Eremes MasterSmith Howard High Priest MargarethaSniper Cecil High Wizard Kathryne Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 5 Guillotine Cross Eremes Archbishop MargarethaRanger Cecil Mechanic Howard Warlock Kathryne Rune Knight Seyren Royal Guard RandelGeneric FlamelSorcerer CeliaSura Chen Shadow Chaser Gertie Minstrel AlphoccioWanderer Trentini Spoiler: Mob list in room 4 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniOftenBeelzebubOftenIfritOftenValkyrie RandgrisOftenQueen scarabaOftenDetardeurusOftenKrakenOftenFallen BishopOftenBlue Faceworm QueenOftenYellow Faceworm QueenOftenRed Faceworm QueenOftenAwakened KtullanuxOftenOminous Turtle GeneralOftenCharleston NO.3OftenIllusion DraculaOftenAngry Moonlight FlowerOftenBrinaraneaOftenMuspellskollOftenStefan Jack Ernest WolfOftenMiguelOftenCeline KimiOftenShiny Teddy BearOftenR48-85-BestiaOftenFerocious CoelacanthOftenMutant CoelacanthOftenGioiaUsuallyWarped BrinaraneaUsuallyDurable MuspellskollUsuallyWarped Dark LordUsuallyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyT_W_OInfrequentlyMemory of ThanatosInfrequentlyNaght SiegerRarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 3Rarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 4Rarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 5Very rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 3 Paladin RandelCreator FlamelProfessor CeliaChampion ChenStalker Gertie Clown AlphochioGypsy Trentini Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 4 Lord Knight Seyren Assassin Cross Eremes MasterSmith Howard High Priest MargarethaSniper Cecil High Wizard Kathryne Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 5 Guillotine Cross Eremes Archbishop MargarethaRanger Cecil Mechanic Howard Warlock Kathryne Rune Knight Seyren Royal Guard RandelGeneric FlamelSorcerer CeliaSura Chen Shadow Chaser Gertie Minstrel AlphoccioWanderer Trentini