(21.12-11.01) Event: Snow Defense

Discussion in 'Game Events' started by Ragnarok Online Prime, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Ragnarok Online Prime

    Ragnarok Online Prime Innova Group

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    Watch out, Brave Defenders!
    The festivities in the village of Luti are under threat, and only your strength can change the course of the situation!
    The rebels, gathered for a training exercise, are faced with an unexpected challenge - an attack on the village by ferocious beasts. The squad is ready for battle, but on New Year's Eve they are short of helpers.

    Hurry and help Elena protect the villagers! Complete all the Achievements and get some great rewards.

    The beasts are coming from the south, let's go! Quickly run to Elena Volkova and she will show you the way to the village. (/navi prontera 155 195)

    Slay monsters to earn majestic titles and mysterious Ice Star Shards.

    To stay warm, wear a New Year's Rookie Hat. Heroes wearing New Year's hats will gain more experience, drops and even damage.

    The Hat Researcher in Lutie, the Snow Village (/navi xmas 155 130) will help you upgrade to a New Year's hat.
    Bring him your New Year's hat and an Ice Star Shard to get a hat with a higher level and more bonuses.
    After all, what's a New Year's celebration without presents?

    When you're done, Elena Volkova (/navi xmas 140 130) will help you get back to Prontera.

    Name of achievementAction to be takenReward
    Slow deathKill Ominous Freezer 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Turtle soupKill Ominous Freezer 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    ShredderKill Ominous Freezer 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Shredder
    Sauna FirewoodKill Decorated Evil Tree 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Firewood for a whole year!Kill Decorated Evil Tree 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Ominous woodcutterKill Decorated Evil Tree 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Ominous woodcutter
    Bear huntingKill White Teddy Bear 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Massive poachingKill White Teddy Bear 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Bees' defenderKill White Teddy Bear 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Bees' defender
    The Phantom MenaceKill Ice Ghost 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    The world doesn't need a heroKill Ice Ghost 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    GhostbusterKill Ice Ghost 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Ghostbuster
    Defender of the WallKill Angry Ice Titan 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Melt TitaniumKill Angry Ice Titan 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Saviour of the universeKill Angry Ice Titan 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Saviour of the universe
    Ice PickKill Angry Gazeti 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Disgruntled SculptorKill Angry Gazeti 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Fire punchKill Angry Gazeti 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Fire punch
    They exist!Kill Angry Snowier 100 timesWarm Green Food Box
    Penguin saviourKill Angry Snowier 500 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Myth BusterKill Angry Snowier 5000 timesWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Myth Buster
    Name of achievementAction to be takenReward
    Who's got my hat?Kill each mob from the list 2 times each:
    Ominous Freezer, Decorated Evil Tree, White Teddy Bear, Ice Ghost, Angry Ice Titan, Angry Gazeti, Angry Snowier
    New Year's Rookie Hat
    Cold Death 1Kill each mob from the list 30 times each:
    Ominous Freezer, Decorated Evil Tree, White Teddy Bear, Ice Ghost, Angry Ice Titan, Angry Gazeti, Angry Snowier
    Ice Star Shard
    Cold Death 2Kill each mob from the list 200 times each:
    Ominous Freezer, Decorated Evil Tree, White Teddy Bear, Ice Ghost, Angry Ice Titan, Angry Gazeti, Angry Snowier
    Ice Star Shard
    Cold Death 3Kill each mob from the list 1000 times each:
    Ominous Freezer, Decorated Evil Tree, White Teddy Bear, Ice Ghost, Angry Ice Titan, Angry Gazeti, Angry Snowier
    Ice Star Shard
    Cold Death 4Kill each mob from the list 2500 times each:
    Ominous Freezer, Decorated Evil Tree, White Teddy Bear, Ice Ghost, Angry Ice Titan, Angry Gazeti, Angry Snowier
    Ice Star Shard
    Title: Elemental Lord

    Name of achievementRequired AchievementsReward
    Snow AvalancheSlow death, Sauna Firewood, Bear hunting, The Phantom Menace, Defender of the Wall, Ice Pick, They exist!Warm Green Food Box
    Title: Snow Avalanche
    The holiday was a hit!Tomato Dehydrator, A man who enjoys eatingIce Star Shard
    Title: Vacation King
    Cold VendettaShredder, Ominous woodcutter, Bees' defender, Ghostbuster, Saviour of the universe, Fire punch, Myth BusterWarm Green Food Box
    Title: Cold Killer

    Name of achievementAction to be takenReward
    Cold-blooded FighterKill 10 players in PVPWarm Green Food Box
    Title: Cold-blooded Fighter
    Cold-blooded GladiatorKill 25 players in PVPWarm Green Food Box
    Title: Cold-blooded Gladiator
    Cold-blooded EmperorKill 50 players in PVPWarm Red Food Box
    Title: Cold-blooded Emperor
    Tomato DehydratorUse 5 Tomato JuiceTitle: Tomato Lover
    A man who enjoys eatingUse 5 Strange SaladTitle: Salad Lover

    New Year's Rookie Hat
    A New Year's hat, very cute, but seems useless. Well, some say you can make something powerful out of it.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    New Year's Student Hat
    The hat of a genuine Santa Claus apprentice.
    Increase exp gain from killing monsters by 10%
    Increase item drop rate by 10%
    ATK and MATK +1 for every 5 base levels
    The effects are only active until 17.01.2024.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    New Year's Expert Hat
    The hat of a master in the art of Santa Claus magic.
    Increase exp gain from killing monsters by 20%
    Increase item drop rate by 20%
    ATK and MATK +2 for every 5 base levels
    The effects are only active until 17.01.2024.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    New Year's hat of an Adept
    The hat of an adept from Santa's magical school.
    Increase exp gain from killing monsters by 30%
    Increase item drop rate by 30%
    ATK and MATK +3 for every 5 base levels
    The effects are only active until 17.01.2024.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    New Year's Hat of a Professional
    The hat of a professional Santa Claus assistant.
    Increase exp gain from killing monsters by 40%
    Increase item drop rate by 40%
    ATK and MATK +4 for every 5 base levels
    The effects are only active until 17.01.2024.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    New Year's Master Hat
    The hat of a Santa Claus senior deputy.
    Increase exp gain from killing monsters by 50%
    Increase item drop rate by 50%
    ATK and MATK +5 for every 5 base levels
    The effects are only active until 17.01.2024.
    Class: Costume Defense: 0
    Location: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Ice Star Shard
    Shard of a star, awarded only to worthy monster hunters.
    Allows upgrading the New Year's Hat to the next level.
    Hat upgrade is availabe during \Snow Defence event\.
    Weight: 0
    Number of slots: 0
    Tomato Juice
    Won't cure any illnesses, but comes in handy at the table.
    May provide some assistance during the New Year's battle.
    Restores 15% HP and SP
    Casts Lv.3[Magnificat] when used
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Strange Salad
    A strange salad made from leftovers from the festive table.
    Still delicious.
    Cures Blind, Curse, Confusion, Poison, Silence.
    Restore 324-424 HP and 60-80 SP.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Warm Green Food Box
    Mysterious box left behind after a lively feast.
    Strange Salad
    A strange salad made from leftovers from the festive table.
    Still delicious.
    Cures Blind, Curse, Confusion, Poison, Silence.
    Restore 324-424 HP and 60-80 SP.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Weight: 10
    Number of slots: 0
    Warm Red Food Box
    Heavy box with unknown contents. Smells strongly of tomatoes.
    Strange Salad
    A strange salad made from leftovers from the festive table.
    Still delicious.
    Cures Blind, Curse, Confusion, Poison, Silence.
    Restore 324-424 HP and 60-80 SP.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Tomato Juice
    Won't cure any illnesses, but comes in handy at the table.
    May provide some assistance during the New Year's battle.
    Restores 15% HP and SP
    Casts Lv.3[Magnificat] when used
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Weight: 10
    Number of slots: 0
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2023
    lnb228 likes this.
  2. Subaru San

    Subaru San User

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    Great !!! A VERY BIG THANK YOU for this event, reserved for High Level players.
  3. Real Robert

    Real Robert User

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    ...the ones that actually spend money...
  4. TribunMaximus

    TribunMaximus User

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    Yes, I am also negatively surprised that newcomers and lower LVL players receive a disadvantage/discriminatory act as a gift for Christmas. Well, there may be someone in management who isn't really into it and doesn't know what he's doing. I have two chars RK 115 & AB 105 but I'm also looking through my fingers. At best, mismanagement like this can scare people away to play.

    Amicus certus in re incertus cernitur.
    Subaru San likes this.