A wanderer stands in Prontera and tells horror stories of a cave full of the world's most powerful monsters. But now, according to the tales of the survivors, this cave has grown even larger and more complex, and is called 'Royal'. And the wanderer still marvels at his listeners' desire to enter it, where the stakes are high, but the rewards are also good. The portal to Bossnia will be open from 26.02 to 12.03. You will need the Bossnia Crown to enter. In Royal Bossnia, we have listened to what players have been telling us they wanted: we have put a time limit on the item that allows you to enter the dungeon, reduced the number of monsters after a server reboot and increased the total number of monsters per hour, and added many new mobs. Spoiler: Mob list in room 1 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniRegularlyDraculaRegularlyOrc HeroRegularlyMayaRegularlyMoonlight FlowerRegularlyGiant OctopusRegularlyGiant EggringRegularlyWhite LadyVery oftenTurtle GeneralVery oftenOsirisVery oftenAmon RaVery oftenOrc LordVery oftenDoppelgangerVery oftenMistressVery oftenDrakeVery oftenPharaohVery oftenDark LordVery oftenLady TaneeVery oftenBoitataVery oftenGarmVery oftenLord of the DeadOftenSamurai SpecterOftenKublinOftenVenomous ChimeraOftenTendrilrionOftenRSX-0806OftenAtroceOftenBomiOftenGopinichOftenCoelacanthOftenQueen ScarabaOftenEddgaOftenWarrior LauraOftenRudoOftenSamurai SoheonOftenElviraOftenVenomous ChimeraUsuallyWandering DragonUsuallyCorrupted RootUsuallyTao GunkaUsuallyMaya PurpleUsuallyHeart Hunter EbelInfrequentlyImmotal CommanderInfrequentlyBijouInfrequentlythe Last oneRarelyKing of the alleyRarelyEvil FanaticVery rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: Mob list in room 2 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniRegularlyAtroceRegularlyBaphometRegularlyGopinichRegularlyEvil Snake LordRegularlyQueen ScarabaRegularlyTurtle GeneralRegularlyDrakeVery oftenAmon RaVery oftenBoitataVery oftenDark LordVery oftenEddgaVery oftenGarmVery oftenGeneral DaehyunVery oftenOsirisVery oftenPharaohVery oftenMistressVery oftenLeakVery oftenLord of the DeadVery oftenPet childVery oftenRSX-0806Very oftenWhite LadyVery oftenSamurai SpecterVery oftenStormy KnightVery oftenVenomous ChimeraVery oftenVesperOftenEgnigem CeniaOftenDark CoelacanthOftenGrotesque CoelacanthOftenFaceworm DarkOften1st Commander of DestructionOften2nd Commander of DestructionOftenTao GunkaUsuallyWounded MoroccUsuallyValkyrieUsuallyGloom Under NightInfrequentlyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyWounded MoroccInfrequentlyShadow of NydhoggRarelyMemory of ThanatosRarelyThe Death AnkouVery rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: Mob list in room 3 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniRegularlyDetardeurusRegularlyQueen scarabaRegularlyVesperRegularlyIfritRegularlyKtullanuxRegularlyValkyrie RandgrisRegularlyHardrock MommothVery oftenAmon RaVery oftenAmdaraisVery oftenAngry Moonlight FlowerVery oftenBeelzebubVery oftenBuwayaVery oftenIllusion DraculaVery oftenFaceworm QueenVery oftenKrakenVery oftenSpider ChariotVery oftenStefan Jack Ernest WolfVery oftenFallen BishopVery oftenAngry Student PyurielVery oftenDead Guardian KadesVery oftenGarmVery oftenStormy KnightOftenMiguelOftenLeakOftenFerocious CoelacanthOftenEL-A17TOftenFaceworm DarkOftenMutant CoelacanthOftenEntweihen CrothenOftenGrand PereUsuallyWounded MoroccUsuallyTao GunkaUsuallyShadow of NydhoggInfrequentlyGloom Under NightInfrequentlyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyNaght SiegerRarelyMemory of ThanatosRarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 3Very rare1 Random MVP from Biolab. 4Very rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 3 Paladin Randel Creator FlamelProfessor Celia Champion Chen Stalker Gertie Clown Alphochio Gypsy Trentini Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 4 Lord Knight Seyren Assassin Cross Eremes MasterSmith Howard High Priest Margaretha High Priest MargarethaSniper Cecil High Wizard Kathryne Spoiler: Mob list in room 4 and frequency of appearance PhreeoniRegularlyBeelzebubRegularlyIfritRegularlyValkyrie RandgrisRegularlyQueen scarabaRegularlyDetardeurusRegularlyEL-A17TRegularlyKrakenVery oftenFallen BishopVery oftenBlue Faceworm QueenVery oftenYellow Faceworm QueenVery oftenRed Faceworm QueenVery oftenAwakened KtullanuxVery oftenOminous Turtle GeneralVery oftenCharleston NO.3Very oftenIllusion DraculaVery oftenAngry Moonlight FlowerVery oftenBrinaraneaOftenMuspellskollOftenStefan Jack Ernest WolfOftenMiguelOftenGrand PereOftenDwighOftenCeline KimiOftenShiny Teddy BearOftenR48-85-BestiaOftenGioiaUsuallyFerocious CoelacanthOftenMutant CoelacanthOftenWarped BrinaraneaUsuallyDurable MuspellskollUsuallyT_W_OUsuallyGigantesUsuallyWarped Dark LordUsuallyKiel-D-01InfrequentlyT_W_OInfrequentlyMemory of ThanatosInfrequentlyMorroc the DesperateRarelyNaght SiegerRarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 3Rarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 4Rarely1 Random MVP from Biolab. 5Very rarePoring the ConquerorExtremely rare Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 3 Paladin Randel Creator FlamelProfessor Celia Champion Chen Stalker Gertie Clown Alphochio Gypsy Trentini Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 4 Lord Knight Seyren Assassin Cross Eremes MasterSmith Howard High Priest Margaretha High Priest MargarethaSniper Cecil High Wizard Kathryne Spoiler: MVP List Biolab 5 Guillotine Cross Eremes Archbishop MargarethaRanger Cecil Mechanic Howard Warlock Kathryne Rune Knight Seyren Royal Guard Randel Generic Flamel Sorcerer CeliaSura Chen Shadow Chaser Gertie Minstrel Alphoccio Wanderer Trentini