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New to These Servers

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by NewBeginning, Sep 4, 2012.

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  1. NewBeginning

    NewBeginning User

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    sorry if a lot of this has been answered before, i'm considering moving to these servers, and the forums here are daunting, plus some of the info i've gleaned from other threads might be outdated.

    i've been playing on the u.s. servers for several years, and things relating to botting/spam/cheaters etc. is just getting exponentially worse there. i don't think they're going to last for much longer if things continue the way they are.

    first, and most important to me. what is the situation with botting here? i understand that it's better than the nothing they do about it on the u.s. servers, but how much better is it? are there gms here that actively hunt for bots, or is it done 100% through player reporting? on the u.s. servers, players routinely bot characters to 99/99/80/80 and never get caught, because ncwest will only ban if their inefficient methods detect abusers. it doesn't work because most botters can easily circumvent their tests. like for example, if a player has a statue here, saying they've been playing for 30 days straight, 24/7, and there's only 30 days in a month, or like, if a player has been in battle for 20 straight days out of the month, do the gms look into that here? are people able to bot to 99 here without getting caught? because on ncwest, it's almost like, if someone is 99, they definitely botted. i'm wondering if here, it's more the exception than the rule.

    what is the in-game shop like here? is it similar to the u.s. one? i can see a little bit that they have the usual buffs and such. do they sell the $200 30-day xp runes here, or the power shirts? because that kind of thing is a turn-off. what in you guys' opinions is the worst thing they sell here?

    are there already a lot of 99's on these servers? are most of them legit?

    i also saw in another thread that ncwest has better player support/community coordination than here. there's no way that can be true, because we get almost 0 communication from ncwest about anything, and i've already seen that the forum team posts frequently here. we don't even have working in-game petitions anymore at ncwest.

    last question, what are the benefits of a premium account, and how/where do i sign up for one? is it reccommended? 2x xp seems pretty good if that's the case. since mentoring is being added tomorrow, is that still gonna be the case?

    thanks for any answers guys, and sorry again if i'm bad at forums. :)
  2. Tainted

    Tainted User

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    hi. i left the na version of l2 because of ncsoft's poor community management. by this, i'm referring to botting and "ebaying".

    i don't know how good a job they're doing at innova, but i've been playing here for a couple of weeks now, and i have yet to see a single bot. because of the bot protection here, there's no market inflation because farmers have a hard time botting. so items are a lot cheaper. also, if you want to turn real life currency into in-game currency, you can use the in-game shop to buy certain items that you actually can sell by putting up a shop.

    the shop doesn't sell stat-changing things, so you can't twink yourself, like with power shirts etc. however, they do sell xp runes, but it only adds 50%, and isn't rly worth it in my opinion. that's because it seems to only add 50% to your base exp. that means, it doesn't stack with other bonuses, such as vitality or premium account's 2x rate. you might end up spending a small fortune on vitality items, though. =p

    the worst thing in the shop in my opinion, is the exp rune which you can sell for ingame currency. (which isn't that bad at all compared to the stuff you can buy at ncsoft's shop)

    there are quite a few 99's here. it seems most people playing here are in their mid 90's, so finding parties for exp tends to be tedious unless you're in a decent clan. (most aren't)

    when it comes to innova's support, they do seem to be slightly distancing themselves from the player base, but i personally have never had any reason to contact them. i'm just basing my view on this matter on how they respond to player queries here on the forum.

    i believe premium account's xp bonus will stack with the mentee xp bonus. it's easy to upgrade. you'll get the option when you've registered and downloaded the game.

    you have to take a few things into consideration, though, playing from the us. there's ping. you should look into getting battleping or something similar. also, time zone. night time in europe = *chirp-chirp-chirp* on core. you'd probably need a cp, otherwise, it'll be pretty boring for you here. also, people **** at speaking english. i've gotten so used to how people talk here, i can feel my english deteriorating. i have to think while writing right now, because in-game, i speak very simplified. you know, "me tarzan, you jane". that kind of thing.=p

    i'm just a lowbie, but i still hope i shed some light on your questions. better than nothing, eh? =)
  3. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    let s see shortly, hopefully i will not get ban for my words

    the situation about bots is much better here than ncwest
    frost is doing well its job, tho there are some programs which can pass it, whenever u move out of goddard u can find several bots
    gms don t really care about them, and ingame report system is not working
    even in museum stats several tabs are simply about bots, like adena drop, number of death, and it s like that for months, and the same bots are running in mos

    i would say most (if not all) of the 99 players are legit, regarding the farmbots.
    those active ppl who didn t leave in april for months could hit 99, even those who rejoined in august are 98
    not speaking about standard clickers or clever macros

    ingame petitions are not working here neither
    but the tech mod team is doing awesome job, also the support section works fine

    tho there are useless and rather annoying mods, few of them are worthy to serve you and the community, if u need something, i recommend u the green nicks on forum
    (somehow i feel this sentence will be modded)

    the most important benefits are the double xp and the ability to open 2nd game window
    u can get it via the site, under the play button
  4. Patri

    Patri User

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    almost 99 here and 100% legit )
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2012
  5. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    well i play that server from about 5-6 months, and didnt see even single bot, even if you see you can easy report it and get him banned. the support system is not that bad as scubba say they answer you in 24h also if you see any bot here 95+, he will be 150% banned all of players 99 lvl /they are about 17/18 did everything legit :d well with small ebay- buying nevits,rune,vitality potions, but you can buy all of them with ingame adenas also it was big (-) that we didnt get mentoring system at start of server, thats the reason our population is not soo big as ncwest have but doesnt matter, atleast we dont play with 99% bots that dont see theyr own character before hit 95 and just sayin patri is biggest troll in server!! :d she dont give me hv qq

    ps. if you want 24/7 mentor pm alleyesonmypony :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2012
  6. Hidrica

    Hidrica User

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    u have to play on battleping here too even from france /spain, lags and dcs are constant without it
  7. NewBeginning

    NewBeginning User

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    thanks for the answers guys. tbh, i wasn't expecting real answers. i'm used to the ncwest forums where everyone is a troll.

    the in-game shop stuff you can sell for adena doesn't really bother me much. botting does. it's nice to hear that it's not as crazy here, that alone is enough for me to seriously consider switching.

    and also patri, i believe you, but on the ncwest servers, everyone says they're legit, and none of them are. they lie like crazy over there. i think they've started to believe themselves. :)

    another question, where exactly are the servers based out of? uk?
  8. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    hello and welcome

    botting is kept to an absolute minimum here, we have frost which is constantly updated to keep ontop of redeveloped botting programs (obviously thats an ongoing battle that never has an end), players also report bots via ingame bot report button/petitions and through our support tool, gm's also actively bot hunt and any suspicious activity is investigated. any bots found here are certainly the exception to the rule.

    power shirts and 30 day xp runes are not included in our store.

    i am personally not sure of the exact numbers but for sure by now we have a fair number if lvl 99 players and most of them (if not all) will be legit.

    every owner of the pa gets double rates!

    in other words:

    experience bonus х 200%;
    energy bonus х 300%;
    10 items for regeneration, keeping and boosting energy.

    also, you would be able to:

    1 access to time zone named kamaloka.
    2. use a reserved place at the server .
    3. launch lineage 2 in a few windows at the same time.
    4. obtain a three-headed dragon agathion (more details can be found here

    mentoring will not effect the pa so nothing will change there.

    server is based in luxembourg.

  9. Vexen

    Vexen User

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    welcome! :). from my own experience, everytime that i've reported a goddard dwaf bot with https://support.4game.com/, it has been banned within few hours and with a quick answer from the team. about the 99s people, i would say that 95% of them are legit, pa gives a nice bonus and you can have rune of xp and nevit's too.
  10. SpaceCowboy

    SpaceCowboy User

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    in other words i get exp bonus from being metee and having pa? or it doesn’t stack?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2012
  11. Lirelin

    Lirelin User

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    more and more ppl start moving here from ncwest as it seems and it makes me happy. ;)

    just as other ppl said, there are very few bots (i myself haven't seen any), support is pretty fast (at least from my experience), innova team is friendly and helpful. ingame shop is pretty fine. no stat boosting items, no power shirts, no donating for +16 weapons. in fact, you won't see many overenchanted weapons and very few enchanted to more than +4, which would be a difference when you compare it to ncwest. of course, online could be bigger (and i hope it will start increasing when we get mentoring - hopefully today as promised) but you can still get parties on matching and you can easily find wars and pvps if you only want to.

    as for the forum itself, it may seem much less active that ncwest one but at the same time we have much less ppl asking stupid or useless questions here. :p just be critical about the opinions you see because community here likes complaining about innova, that's some sort of hobby i'd say. fisrt they complain about no events. then we get events and they say 'no no, this event ****s, i want another event'. or they say 'innova ****s cause we have no mentoring. we want mentoring!'. then innova introduces mentoring and they start complaining again 'it's too late, mentoring is useless now, innova ****s'. you can never make ppl happy enough here. ;)

    as for 99 lvls, yes we have quite a few. they reached 99 fast if you look at it through ncwest standards but remember about pa. additional 100% exp 24/7 is really visible - and once you try it out, you don't want to get rid of it. that's why 90% of high lvl ppl buy pa regularly. ;)
  12. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    mentee bonus stacks with pa bonus.

  13. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    most already has been said about situation here. keep in mind that online on ncwest servers are probably bit higher but how many of them are just bots running almost everywhere starting from low lvl locations (sv etc.) until gog on +90. moreover lack of "pay2win" items is huge advantage for me. +16 weapons or op shirts? no thx

    also remember that most "pvp" players on ncwest using pvp programs while on our server we have only 1 party using it. i preffer 1 party than 50%+ server. you will see different on pvp for sure if you had chance to make some more serious pvp on ncwest.
  14. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    everyone knows which pt it is :d
  15. Sproot

    Sproot User

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    you talk about alarion's pt?
  16. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    guys come on dont start a discussion about that party here, this isnt the right thread or section for such a discussion ;)
  17. NewBeginning

    NewBeginning User

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    well, i enjoy the drama as much as the next person.

    i started a couple hours ago, bought the premium account. really nice so far. you can tell there's not as much of a botting problem after only 5 minutes of playing. :) i was having trouble with the ping, so i downloaded battleping and those problems went away. i can't believe how well it worked. got a mentor right away. i feel bad that there's so many of you looking for mentees, there's just no end to them on chronos. if it makes you guys feel any better, the stuff you can get with mentee coins isn't that big of a deal. :) first big difference i noticed is that there's not hundreds of people afk in every town like there is on ncwest. that's nice. probably that's also because mentoring just started though. i also noticed that everything on the ah costs like half of what it does on chronos. i guess that's what happens when the server isn't half bots. :) saw a freya necklace for 60m, i was like o.o i was also a little shocked to see that all the heroes are from one clan. that's a little...different.

    what time is the daily quest reset on core?
  18. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    6:30 am server time
  19. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    i did read some of your comment in the last days on the lineage2.com forum newbeginning.
    right we did/do play on different servers, but i have different experiences too.

    first i write those what with i agree with you.
    i also think too, that the forum community of the ncwest lineage 2 is terrible, a lots of low iq peoples there flood the forum with useless threads and comments.
    also it is alright, that much fewer the bot or pvp cheater as at the ncwest.

    now i do write those things what is my experience about the innova or what with i disagree with you.
    so, yes the number of bots lower, here but i did read often on this forum different threads, that why xy bots doesn't get ban. also i did read, that at the innova ru already the top clan members kind of same cheaters as many players from the ncwest top clans, so maybe just question of the time, that when will appear here too the massive cheater base.

    the service/forum quality. well here lesser the number of idiot users, but i feel, that only deepblue has some soul to keep work this forum.
    the lag is by my experience and by some people experience who play or played here much bigger than at the ncwest.
    also i think, that it is show well, that the service team maybe isn't enough skilled or doesn't work well, that the mentor system only released 9 months later, so comes up the question which contents will be bugged in the future in same form.
    while i did find to much better the ncwest services i get answer to my question and the gms until at all time could help for me, when i had trouble. also they did ban many bots too from those which ones i did report.
    but thanks to not so good edited ncwest rules, takes much longer time to gms to ban someone, because they have to follow the way of the rules.

    personally i dislike the contents of the innova's premium account the 300% vitality and the double xp/sp, i guess isn't so good things i feel it unbalanced a bit.
    i do hear/read often from the innova ru/eu server, that people only search for party players who have pa, so those who doesn't want buy or can't buy pa in much bigger trouble here.
    also not a good thing, that you can sell for adena the innova store items.

    i dunno, how much the innova know about the ebay on their server and how much they want tell about it, but i did see in different forums, that peoples made promotion for adena/character/item sells.

    moving between the innova and ncwest server always will exist. when one of company made 1-1 epic fail than 1-2 players with big voice move to another company after often return back.

    many players from those who played at the ncwest naia (eu) server before the goddess of destruction, but came to the innova did return to ncwest.

    but the important, that you can play there where you enjoy better the game, it is a good situation, that we can change between two services. both company has positive and negative things too, mainly it is just depend from you which is the better place for you:).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2012
  20. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    moving thread to general discussion section so you all can continue to discuss.

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