as title says we are looking for 1 last dd. he has to be: - active (with active i mean active, not 3h a day, pm for more details) - understand english, speak however u want as long as we understand - has to have a brain - assist properly - some items, full elements on armor+weapon, proper jewels (doesnt have to be full epics, but 1-2 epics mb) - exp also without cp sometimes (we have 6 lvl99's, we are not rly up to lvl someone) - stable connection (no "lag, cant move during siege, cant buff"; if your pc or internet cannot handle sieges (everyone lags a bit but pls be able to play ur class) dont bother) we are only looking for nice tyrr warrior (have to check dmg first and after that playstyle) or dagger (checking dmg and build etc) or 2nd archer (we have kingsize alrdy, he'll judge if ur dmg is ok, dunno) 2nd mage or 1 summoner is actually not in our interest but if you think you are amazing and impressivly good, give me a pm. cp setup: lead bahhie - healer 99 mak0 - healer 99 ma3stro - enchanter 99 menace2society - tank 99 kingsize - archer 99 hell - mage 99 pm mak0 or bahhie or menace2society or kingsize ingame
too bad im 97, i don't speak english, cannot assist and have terrible lags on sieges else i would apply!