i would like to hear a bit of opinions about which subclass to choose. my main class is storm screamer lvl 81 at the moment. i have made tattoos to cast faster, but that speed is still and always will be important. i prefer to use a staff so i do that way more offensive than defensive. still i figure that i will also need some physical defence more - maybe magical defence too. so i gather that the choise of a subclass will have affect on some of these things. one question i wonder is - if the casting speed at certain level to choose (as it is a master skill?) is such that one will choose a masterskill or then race skill (calss skill) - but can not have both? generally how do i develop my character smartly and how important the choise of class is in making good defence for an offensive character like this? what should i consider further? (if i should make my sub into a dual class for example. yes i know its big subject all together - but i ask anyways.) oh and doing the quest fates whisper (hope i remember the name right) - there comes a point the dwarf npc wants us to bring him a b-grade weapon. that cant ofcourse be bound (and there are some other restrictions as well as any possible enchantment would disuppear in the end) - my point is - the exact weapons that are only options on his list to bring are factually sold as unidentified at aden - but that means its extremely amazing if one happens to get one that is standard item. soo - where and how do i get one that is? (i got the staff on his list - but its ofcourse the kind that will not do - bound and so on. and no i do not use real money for playing so i dont buy things from any store or what ever. i dont have any unbind scrolls and thats a b weapon anyways and some say those cant be unbind.) well if someone out there has idea how to get this done i want to know. my bf and i - we do think we might be able to have some duals created for the purpose - but.. any other solutions are also welcome. still firstly - i am really interested in knowing about - maybe someones experiences about sub-classes for a dark elf storm screamer. i am not so much into player versus player and i dont find need for a clan atleast yet. (no my name in this tread is not my name at l2 - i prefer you send the answers directly and cleanly to this tread. i dont look for private exchange of words. furher.. pls be kind and use full words when answering and not just letters as following > de for dark elf. i am relatively new player and often it becomes hard to understand any threads if even i find some on informations needed at any given time, because i dont know fully the short-hand for l2.) thank you
my advice... first level 4 more, awaken and u will see then what's the situation (u get new active and passive skills after awaken). each character keeps some racial skills and base stats after awaken so yes you will have after awaken small cast speed and higher matk but u can compensate the cast speed with dyes (the differences are not so big after awaken). regarding subclasses.. u can choose whatever subclass u want, u get from all same sub skills. the only difference is when u choose the dual subclass because that class u will be able to awaken and mby play on it/reroll. so in short, your subclasses don't influence at all what skill u gonna get on main. about the weapon for quest... u have 4 options: 1. search that weapon in a full state on auction house and buy it. 2. search in drop lists and see from what mobs that weapon can drop -> go farm like crazy in that spot. 3. search in drop lists for key mats and recipe for that weapon -> go farm like crazy -> craft (u can fail at craft so...) 4. buy unidentified weapons from shop in aden/giran and open them untill u get a full weapon.
thank you - if i sent the thread to wrong section - i am pleased for the help. also ty to randomm. it would be fine if some people shared a bit of experiences on class choices along the lines of this thread.
i have written 3 options here about subbing in general, but they will contradict each other. the ultimate choise is yours. i'd personally didn't level a sub until i was 95. my main was healer and i dual-classed/subbed a feoh, but i chose that class just for some pve fun and i dont plan to hit 99 on it...ever. option 1: make a subclass as soon as possible. the pro's for this option are that since you get various weapons/potions and other gear from leveling up your main (via revolutionary road) leveling up a new char will be a lot cheaper. however, you'd need to be fast because some of the weapons you got from revolutionary road (those prize items in your warehouse at certain levels) expire after 30 (?) days. by leveling up your sub now, you could also still get one buff from your mentor (the harmony) on the sub constantly. this is the road my mentee picked atm and not only is he leveling up a dual class, but 2 other subs as well. his goal is to have 2 subs at 80, dual-class at 85 and main at 85 before he levels main to 86 and loses me as his mentor. btw, you get passive skills from each sub at certain levels, which is why it is worthwhile to have 2 extra subs at 80 in the first place. option 2: wait with leveling up (main max 85) and lvl up an alt char (buffer/dwarf) or go play another game for a while. period. why? well soon (noone knows exact time, but probably in november) we get glory days update. in glory days you also get mentor buffs on your sub, so leveling up sub then would be a lot easier (not that it's really hard when you can easily do 1-2 levels each raid boss you kill anyways). so, it's in your best interests not to level up to 86 and lose your mentor. in addition, the quest for getting subclass/noblesse changes in glory days. it will become a lot easier to make that quest and you wont need any b-grade weapon. option 3: just continue with main and think about subs at 90+. why? first of all loads of classes really change at 85. you get new skills after awakening and if you really enjoyed your class until awakening, you might discover the opposite after that. your class will be a feoh wizard and since that's my current dual class i know a little about feohs. it's good you chose dark elf, it's the best feoh if you keep some of your old skills (empowering echo!), however, you should know in advance, that feoh is considered as one of the worst damage-dealing (dd) classes in l2. you will be decent in pvp (but not as good as archer) and good in aoe, but you will **** in general pve, which will make finding parties hard. many feohs quit, reroll or level something else up instead. many people are not fast enough to play feoh wizard, because clicking and maneuvering among 20 new skills you get at 85 is quite hard. about picking a sub - it really doesn't matter. your main wont be stronger with sub x versus sub y. choosing a sub should mainly be about personal preference and gear. now when it comes to choosing a subclass there are 2 options for you: a) if you want to play another dd, i'd go archer. they are the best dd there is in pve and pvp. however, you'd have to spend a lot on gear. if you hate your feoh because u cant find a party (and you will), you might even play your archer dual-class as main instead (just leave feoh at 8x and make archer 99 first). b) since your main will have hard time finding a party, maybe it would be beneficial to pick a sub that wont (go support!). so when you are browsing /partymatching and noone needs a feoh, you can jump on a char that is always wanted. every party always needs iss, tank and healer. since you'll be wearing robes i'd go healer (tho most healers wear heavy because it's best in pvp, no1 cares about you wearing robes for some pve instances in /partymatching), it's cheap and easy. with healers it doesn't really matter if you pick shillien elder or bishop, but i can speculate that in the future (class diversification update in year 201x) bishops will > se, because of better heal power. now about developing your feoh: currently it doesn't really matter if your feoh used to be elf, human or dark elf. ok, it matters a little bit, but in the end all chars will be the same. yeah, i know that in oly for example elf tanks always win because of the tiny extra defense and stuff like that, but in general gameplay it doesn't matter what u were, it only matters what you are. about that tiny difference in your case: well you are de, which means u will always have slower cast speed than others and more m.attack. currently, de mages are considered the best, but as i said before it doesn't really matter. in the future that will change, but in l2 each update brings something new and another class will be overpowered/underpowered. what you might want to read is terragamers site (google "class diversification") - that is about possible future update for example. but what you can always keep in mind is: there is no perfect answer to what to pick, how to pick when it comes to l2 classes. many things play a role and even a crappy feoh wizard now can maybe be the best dd ingame in the future.
ty estemy. your insight is interesting surely. i dont really look for ultimate choise - i figured that does not exist. but its good to see what people think of the subject. developing the sub characters fast sounds interesting - cause of the mentor buffs - while there is the question how fast that would need to be. my bf has eva's saint and we play together always - its usually our party we do. none the less l2 has so many mystery - lol - you gave a nice set of words to search on for me. i wont object to other opinions or experiences all though i have had nice answers for sure. i'll keep eye on this for further to see weather more people like to talk about this subject - as it apparently is true this wizard could have hard time to find parties - for one. i like my de stormscreamer though - for me its fun.