lf healer 98 70%++ requirements: - active (daily 6-7h, even if we wont be doing stuff for 6-7h, at least be here) - have some decent gear (armor 3x120 etc; heavy set 3x120 most important, robe set preferably too) - dedication to play oly - speak+listen english good - have some knowledge about the game and your class - teamspeak - stable internet during daily stuff+sieges very important current cp setup: kingsize 99 archer hell 99 mage obsess 99 summoner mak0 99 healer menace2society 99 tank dor4 98 enchanter current clan blackswans weekends we mostly do olympiad related stuff, we want you as healer to farm points too, we can help with advices etc. else raids (tauti, octavis, istina), daily pvp on high lvl pm mak0, kingsize, menace2society if interested ingame or pm me on forum //found for the first