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Bug on tyr warrior skill

Discussion in 'Game Bugs (Archive)' started by Ashnek, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. Ashnek

    Ashnek User

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    skill superior weapon mastery is giving 25% attk speed to dual swords and blunts when it shouldnt.

    in the description it says that for swords blunts and spears now i know you can think dual swords are swords but they arent and if the game was assuming they were they had to get another 2 extra str and extra patk bonus so the skill is bugged. just think about it if duals get same bonus as other weapons then why make 2 different masteries? (maybe for erasing skills but srsly who wouldnt trade those passives).

    anyways without speculations now, duals arent supposed to get that boost on patk speed because in change they get better sa
  2. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    afaik the regular weapon mastery always affected dual swords ( the one that you get from level 1 ). if this is just an upgrade on the skill from the same path, no wonder it applies ( yes speculating here also ).
    and it would nerf dual users a lot if they don't get lightning force charges on crits.
  3. Ashnek

    Ashnek User

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    superior weapon mastery: increases str, atk. spd., p. atk., and accuracy when equipped with a sword, blunt weapon, or spear. increases the number of targets that can be hit by a spear attack. during a critical attack, may trigger lightning force. also, depending on your str, may reset your skill reuse timers or double your skill duration.

    superior dual weapon mastery :increases str, p. atk., and accuracy when using dual swords, dual blunt weapons, or fist weapons.

    as you can read in the first skill, it doesnt exclude duals/fists/dualblunts from lighting force or the reuse by str (besides in description of lighting force they appear specified) but it does exclude them from the patk speed bonus, seriously tho why make 2 skills if all weapons would get same bonus. this patk speed bonus for 2h blunts/swords and spears is to make some equilibrium because duals get better sa and well if it did then when wearing duals i should get double bonus thus gaining 2 str more and another 300 patk which would be just dumb and make other weapons useless.
  4. Sun40

    Sun40 User

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    i agree with him , fix your bugs , buggers , else i.ll use them against u to destroy u as a company . ha-ha-ha.
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