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Your first experience with Lineage 2

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Razzly, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    some spam topic.

    would you describe your first steps in lineage 2? when did you find out all the features of this game?:)

    let me be the first.

  2. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    interlude,franz server....is passed an era,back then people would think "this game is too hard".

    it almost kills me to see how this game turned to be.
    sad story.
  3. Finality

    Finality User

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    it was c2 when i started.me and friend were lvling in cruma tower till 52+, what a waste of time xd
    after c3 i learned everything about l2 :)
  4. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    one day my father said:
    - come on darling, i will give you this character, you will log in it every 20 min and you will give me buffs... then you are free till the next rebuff...
    - ok!- i said...
    it was shillien oracle lv.37. first days i was scared of everything that i saw... of plants, of monsters, of players...
    some days later my father told me that i should go and level up a bit... he gave me heavy armor and d-grade weapon and send me to fields of whispers... :d
    it was existence c4.

    old good memories...
  5. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    i was working in internet cafe and i saw lineage 2 c4 installed on one of the pcs. made a cute dorfie spoiler with pink hair (i heard i will be rich if i make spoiler) :d after so many years, and many other games tries, l2 is still my favorite game.
  6. BabyMantis

    BabyMantis User

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    i started late with l2... in the update hellbound. my first class was a sws because i wanted start as something in heavy armour and i just liked the way light elves looked in the armours. but i keep hearing from many players how great the game was way before i started. :)
  7. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    it was the year 2009 that i asked from darma to teach me l2 cause i was listening from all boys about it..(boys are mainly my friends cause we as girls cant be real friends as its already known!) so he explained me a little about classes and he searched for a mid x50 rate srv to get me start.it was gracia epilogue srv.i created d elf sph and i made as sub gh dagger which i lvl it first!my dagger was 85 and my main was 80 .i learned the basics and after half year we moved to xxxxx where it was x15.and then i learned more about craft mats and other staff.at that srv i made dagger and after a while sph but i left him soon and fall in love with sk tank. i invested a lot at that char!but i got so tired after 1 year playing tank so on other prive srvrs i made healer as i did on nc magmeld srv too and always d elf.and now here i am on innova lvling my d elf tank still playing with my bf (after a short break to learn play league of legends :p ) and keep learning more and more cause i consider myself noob in other classes than tank and healer and on other things as craft in god bosses respawns rb for lvl up and locations etc...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
  8. Burstu

    Burstu User

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    it was back days in 2004, when i started with l2, before that i was playing mainly on console (ps1 ftw) :d.
    one day i saw my older brother playing l2, my first feelings to this game were like : meh, it doesnt look that interesting, but.. after i tried it by myself, i couldnt get out of it, i simply got me addicted. the first server i played on was called l2k*** (yes, it was a private c4 server), and first char i ever made, was ghost sentinel. first days were pretty funny, i couldnt find shop with soulshots, or any armors/weapons stuff, yet my brother had to help me out, otherwise i would be lost forever. those days were just golden, every time i had chance to play l2, i was feeling really happy, after the lvling, and killing the mobs became addicted, as playing l2 did same before :d. longest time ive spent on the private server called l2d**** (2009-2012), although after it died, i came here with some friends, who left me few months after we joined there. now im just guessing if my stay there, will beat the 3 years long stay on my previous server. :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2013
  9. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    gustin server, c1.

    played after legend of mir 2 was getting boring, levelled up to a wind rider which took fricking forever! and then my day time job got in the way and i'm back again ready for another round :p
  10. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    i see the game from a guy in cibercafe, around the year 2007, but, since i see it (and his 3d camera sistem) i didnt like it at first time (i was playing diablo2 in that time). afther some month seeing this game, i ask for help to a friend of mine, who was gm on a closed server, i start playing there xd. it was around interlude.
    my fisrt char was an a elf sps, but, since i didnt know anything at all of the game, i lvl up till 40 with a 1h warrior blunt without ss, that was epic xd.
    afther that, i move to an a colombian server, x100, when i meet some of my best friends of l2. and afther that server i was playing, and gathering friends all around, from argentina, venezuela, colombia, mexico, spain. i was alllways playing new clases, but most of the time i play as sk, pala, and gh.
    3 months b4 god was launched on ncwest, we make with 3 friends, our own server. i knew that l2java server its not the same as oficial server (didnt know what programming languaje l2 use), but i learn a lot of thing, modifing the core, reading file over file of java, searching for game mechanics. that make me choose, what i want to study before i finish my school (wich is programming). unfortunately, we close the server, since its pretty dam hard to keep it live, and make all players enjoy it (allways will be ppl complaining). afther that, we move to magmeld, that was my first oficial server, make there an a female kamael iss sd, and it was dual on yul trickster, wich made me choose my current main.
    between that time, i play almost every mmo, rpg, mmorpg, moba game that come, but, for a reason that i never will understand, i allways come back to play l2 :s. weird thing, we have a lot of new-much more better mmorpg over there, but, noone of them have the same feeling that l2 :s
  11. Sundavar

    Sundavar User

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    i started in c2...cant even remember how many years ago... but i remember that i had soulshots on bar, and didn't know about the automatic use, so i was clicking f1 attack and f2 to charge ss!! and i also remember that i was playing with a friend, and he was playing a dwarf, i can recall that he could sit on the floor, and 2 chars hitting him and was impossible to low his hp....

    good memories, good times....
  12. c4rlito

    c4rlito User

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    nice topic.

    prelude together whit mine uncle, he started a bd me a prophet,soon did follow the multi-box spoiler :d became richest dwarf on that server .was fun c3+c4 best dragon valley pvp chronicle :) to run in a+b grade max was fun.u could be pwned by :) those gards in a castle :) lure baium to town let gards kill him :d

    game will never become so much fun as it was in the old days <3 memories
    shunseLussy likes this.
  13. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    lineage 2 rez server, leveling was there fast , friend took me to party and he came and traded me summoning crystal than after few mins he summoned me to any zone and i got lvl 78 in few secs :) after that he went afk , for the next 8 hrs i was elf warrior lvl 78 with draconic bow and mage buffs in nightmare heavy set :) also didnt know what is gatekeeper so i walked from town to town by foots!
  14. PuppyRaWr

    PuppyRaWr User

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    i started in l2 bcs a friend told me about it. it was c4 at arteia server, where i met a lot of funny ppl. some of them are still my friends.
    i had no adena, and i didn't take any gk till i was lvl 45 (all places walking, or doing /loc and trying to die "near giran castle" and go to village xd).
    i have my best l2 memories from that server (miss those years qq), when i had a bd lvl 77 and i became hero with my angel slayer and my ic shield. this game has changed too much...but the only good thing is that i can find rly good persons any server i go, that's what i like of this.
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