an interesting event has started on lineage 2 europe official facebook page. basically if they can get 6000 likes by 21st of february we will have a new double exp week on core. so help all your fellow players and go like! atm they have more than 5300 likes, so there's not much more to go. you can also help by letting all your friends, clannies and even family know (and also "like"). to find their page just search "lineage europe" in facebook or follow links in forums/innova site etc. we love double exp! quote from facebook: "dear members, we've recently hit 5,300 'likes' of our page, which is great. but what is even greater? 6,000 'likes'! help us accumulate 6,000 'likes' by 21st february (in 2 weeks) and you will be able to enjoy a week of double xp! no joke. get your friends to help you! let's do this! the countdown starts... now!"
post from the facebook page we made it. you made it. thanks so much to everyone who was active in garnering 'likes' for our facebook page. we have reached our goal and you can expect double xp week starting on 19th february! you are truly awesome. full stop.