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Experiment 30 Epic Jewelry and Stun Land Rate

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Yumi, Feb 13, 2013.

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  1. Yumi

    Yumi Innova Group

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    tags: [god] [skills] [other items]

    yumi went up the stairs with her aunt. she heard the sound of loud music, chatter and frequent bursts of laughter.

    'so tell me how you've been,' urged the auntie.

    'not bad. very busy lately,' yumi replied.

    'how are your experiments going? i remember how keen you were on them when you were a teenager.'

    'oh, yes, still am! i get to do lots of interesting stuff. it really is fascinating.'

    'oh i see your work in "braniac weekly" all the time!'

    yumi raised her eyebrows.

    'you read "braniac weekly"?'

    her aunt laughed her clear, cheery laughter.

    'but of course i do! i'm not all about having parties at my house, you know,' she gave her niece a wink.

    yumi smiled. indeed she forgot sometimes that her aunt was actually a very energetic person and did many important things. she did love parties and was famous for them but, first of all, she could afford them, and, second of all, didn't have much time to relax, so they were precious moments.

    'everyone will be excited to see you,' yumi's thoughts were interrupted.


    'but of course! one of the brightest persons there is, a beauty and my favourite niece - what else can you wish for?'

    yumi hadn't noticed but they were facing now large wooden doors behind which there was a noise of a party in full swing. yumi's aunt pushed the doors open and yumi saw what seemed like a sea of dancing people wearing epic jewellery, looking absolutely stunning!

    purpose: to determine how epic jewelry influences stun land rate.

    chars: dwarf (the attacker) and orc (the target). the dwarf is equipped with [​IMG] eternal shield, no buff; the orc has no equip, no buff. some jewelry and buffs were added for different tests.

    • test 1

    this test is to determine the base stun rate without any buffs or items that increase or decrease the chance.

    the dwarf used the skill shield wave 7 lvl to attack the orc. both characters were equipped as described above. out of 500 stun attempts 367 were successful. thus stun rate is around 73%. stun duration is 9 seconds.

    conclusion: the base stun chance is quite high, but you can rarely come across a character that doesn't have stun bonus or stun resistance.
    • test 2
    the dwarf was equipped with the following epic jewelry:

    zaken’s earringantharas’ earringfrintezza’s necklace[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    the orc was unequipped. stun chance bonus from the jewelry was 65%.

    the dwarf used shield wave 500 times to attack the orc. out of 500 attempts 451 were successful. stun chance was about 90%. stun duration was 9 sec.

    conclusion: they say, there is a minimum and maximum defuff chance. minimum chance is 10% and maximum chance is 90%. in this test stun had to be successful every time, but there were failed attempts that confirm the existence of minimum and maximum debuff land rates.

    • test 3
    the dwarf was equipped only with eternal shield.

    the orc was equipped with zaken’s earring, antharas’ earring, frintezza’s necklace. stun resistance from epic jewelry was 65%.

    the dwarf used shield wave 500 times to attack the orc. out of 500 attempts 103 were successful. thus, stun land rate was about 20%. stun duration was about 3 sec.

    conclusion: epic jewelry doesn't only increase stun resistance but also decreases stun duration. the bigger stun resistance, the shorter stun duration time.

    • test 4
    the dwarf was equipped with zaken’s earring, antharas’ earring, frintezza’d necklace.

    the orc was equipped with zaken’s earring, antharas’ earring, frintezza’s necklace.

    stun chance bonus from jewelry was 65%. stun resistance from jewelry was 65%.

    the dwarf used shield wave 500 times to attack the orc. out of 500 attempts 361 were successful. stun land rate was about 72%. stun duration was 9 sec.

    conclusion: when both the attacker and the target were equipped with the same epic jewelry we got the same results as in the first test when the characters had no equip at all.

    • test 5
    the dwarf was equipped with eternal shield only.

    the orc had no equip, but he was buffed with resistance of saha, which increases stun resistance by 40%.

    the dwarf used shield wave 500 times to attack the orc. out of 500 attempts 211 were successful.

    stun land rate was about 42%. stun duration was 5-6 sec.

    • test 6
    the dwarf was equipped with eternal shield only.

    the orc was equipped with zaken’s earring, antharas’ earring, frintezza’s necklace and buffed with resistance of saha. stun resistance bonus from buff and jewelry was 105%. so all stun attempts had to fail.

    the dwarf used shield wave 500 times to attack the orc. out of 500 attempts only 48 were successful. stun land rate was about 10%. stun duration was 3 sec.

    conclusion: target's stun resistance was increased by 105% so all the attempts were supposed to fail, but this test proved that there is a minimum debuff rate of 10%. so there is always a chance that stun will be successful.

    here are the results of all the tests:

    test #dwarf’s equiporc’s equip*the cumulative
    stun bonus, %
    the cumulative
    stun resistance %
    stun land
    rate %
    duration, sec.
    1[​IMG]   7392[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 65 9093[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 652034[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]  7295[​IMG][​IMG] 40425-66[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 105103
    *and buffs

    conclusion: our experiment shows that jewelry that gives stun bonus/resistance also affects stun land rate. it’s easier to increase stun resistance than stun bonus. the jewelry used in this test is not widespread since zaken’s earring and frintezza’s necklace have low m.def. and antharas’s earring is rare, but every healer has resistance of saha.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
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