hello there, i saw in the facebook page that from 19th there will be double xp week so is that true? also i'm new to the game but double xp applies if you have mentor bonus xp ? i have 200% mentor bonus will i have 400% if there is really that kind of double xp week?
learning its not the problem :d played till late last night and get up really early so i guess my brain was still asleep :d but my main question was will be there double xp, because i'm not sure should i trust the facebook page.
well in 99% you can trust it. it is done bcs some ppl dont forum but they are active on facebook etc. so most info is doubled in both sources. anyway this kind of event is great for all players new and old. old can raise their dual class while new can get lvl very fast. you should try use it as much as your daily time allow you ^^
yes there will be and yes you can trust the official lineage2 eu facebook page as that is run by our team. regards.