ifuria and his friends polish killed me in octavis and kicked out from party. when octavis had 1% of hp. he is scammer be cerfull.
^^ aisa - just dont invite this guy to instances, still "sorry for party return missclick" ....he made it so many times :| before finish insta ofc party return ....wtf ? on kartia (another party) - party return :| if someone wants to use 3rd software just configure it with brain eot
yeah i kicked u and scam whole drop... dont be ridicullus cos i wasnt even ptl when u was kicked. u was saying i ll pr in 15 min i ll pr i ll pr..... and pred tweice so y they kicked u. cos they didnt want to wast 1 and half h to get xp cos u pred.
ifuria dont lie now. i was saying i will pr if u wont kill octavis faster coz alot of ppl was afk on /atack left, even mana wasnt moving. 1hr and 20 min only to kill 1st stage? when i stared to say i will pr ppl started to use mana and killed 1st stage octavis fast. and kill me and kick out of party at 1% left of 3rd stage... and say i am scamer that lol... lots of ppl made octavis / istina with me and i never scamed. not even when octavis or istina juve was droped.
i didnt scam drop too... and u called me scamer, i didnt kick u from pt and u call me scamer so /carre
2nd pt wa smy friend too? mby whole server is my friend too? waste of forum space. and y carrefull cos i smeal pr in the air from aisen missclick
what r u talking about? what pr? i made octavis lots of time and ppl asked to do pr of a low dmg alot of times. i was patien (1hr and 20min 1st stage). didnt make pr. and u can talk trash what ever u want now be careful
hello aisen, stop blaming ifuria. i kicked you from party. it was all because you were threatening 14 people for 30minutes on octavis you will do party recall. then you start to teach other people how to play. so we decided we punish you in this way. the drop has been correctly redropped between parties. thats all in this topic. regards ps: you actually did pr 2 times long time ago at octavis
aisen is unskilled healer, troll on 95lvl, destroyer of random party instances thats from my experience for me i just blocked him and will pk on sight have a nice night
i did pr? this is trash talking. punish me for what? u should be punished for going afk. why should i waste time do my work good? and others just go afk and do nothing and in the end fail? 2 times? 1 was in ur dream... i gues. i made once pr coz of low dmg and ppl were askind to do it. if i did pr before i gues i wasnt wrong. will make pr next time if i will be in party with u.
so as it is explained now change the topic to proper one as you mislead people in fail accusation of my clan member. thank you
why should i change? ur clan scamed my exp, my chance to get drop. all ppl should know about u and ur clan...
grow up kid. coz u now in other dimension. topic is "ifuria and his friends scamers". after all i can change just 1 word of a topic "friends" to "clan" i dont have nothing to say about this any more, so the topic can be locked.
ok new morning. new ideas. ifuria was the lead of a party and gave u lead to do this... i am mad on him. but razzly u admit that u did this, and take all the responsibility to u. so that kind + for u to save ur clan mates reputation. i will change ifuria nick on a topic here just on 1 condition. if u say ur nick name in game.
you have no rights to demand this information from any moderator, they have as much right to privacy on the forums as any other user, if he wishes to supply that information that is his right to do so but i will not tolerate users "blackmailing" them for information. closing this thread.