1. talk to suspicious player to check if alive 2. kill mobs around, flag on bot 3. wait for targetting you by bot and making flag on bot 4. kill bot, earn 1 pvp 5. report to support.4game.com have fun
you are forgetting one important thing. usually if there is a bot, it is guarded by his 95+ main... soo not always this system is working... today a clan member met one, who was guarded by 85 char, who was guarded by 95 one :d ofc it went to report but still not always working
good job! you forgot one thing only - please, record a video (doesn't really matter if an in-game one or a fraps/whatever movie) and add a link to it when reporting to support.4game.com. regards,
thank you but this information has already been posted by staff members and is freely available in several locations around the forum. regards.