hey guys! new player here. i never played l2, even though i kept hearing stuff about it. i probably played or inspected about 80% of mmos, and i need something new. this is uncharted territory! i'm guessing there's only 1 server, so i won't have any trouble picking that. i think i'm gonna roll a healer. does lvling take a while? is the community friendly? any noob friendly guilds? i'm also having problems launching the game. frost security pops a game loading error. i ran the check4game utility and found out that 4 of frost files are missing. i tried updating it from its folder, but it didn't work. i "fixed" the game (which obviously didn't help!), and now i tried this cmd command i found in the forums (which is supposed to set windows' test mode to off). i'm gonna reboot and tell you guys if it works! cheers! edit: yep, the problem is fixed. i can play now.
no idea about the noob guilds , however if u played 80% of the mmos , you will not like this one ;d its engine is rly old and u cant freely move or jump, besides that everything else is in strong brakets if i can express myself like this(for example if 2 chars shoot skils at each other, the 1st casted kills and survives even the animation of the other is casted u dont suffer dmg) as for the leveling u'd better watch the party matching for "rb groups" and u'll be 85 in no time, also find active mentor. about the friendly community.. srsly u choose the wrong mmo for that xd the flaming here is on daily basis xd u deffinetely need patience, also u need to like pve and farm to prosper here(or be a scammer, lol dont do that u'll be spammed and most ppl wont invite u in any groups anymore)
thanks for the reply. i don't really mind old engines or old games (damn, i love playing tibia!), so that's ok. as for the community and the actual gameplay, i'll play for a bit and see.
loook, everyone can be bad or act bad as in core, characters are driven by real players with real feelings feelings on core are special as 1year old server is nothing compared to 1x years old korean ones and for example, sometimes you can be killed from your raid "friend" that is mad that you got the item he is hunting from 1 month lineage 2 is the hardest long term mmorpg i ever encountered and this is the essesnce of the game, no talking about ebay users ofcouse but most of times peoples teach you about how to do this or that, l;isten to them players (randoms) on core does not listen, they are pro, they does not ****ing care but if you care, you will be good, not punished for being bad
welcome poglavnik! i must say i tested fair amount of mmos myself and i always came back to lineage ii.playing it for 8 years now i think. one of my friend dont like it, because you cant jump, but you really wont miss it. best things are open pvp and really awesome graphic for an "old engine" as someone named it. in my honest opinion, gameplay is better than 95% of the mmos out there. i own guild wars 2, wich is awesome game and i still play lineage 2 if that means anything little guide: fallow main quest till around 40lvl where you choose your 2nd class, then do as many raids as you can for fastest exp. and get mentor for 200% exp bonus and buffs.mentor must be online for that, so choose good one.you can also change it if you dont like him/her. after 85 you will do most of the things in party so things get interesting.also find a good clan for extra bonuses and help! good luck!