since iam about to switch from ncwest servers....what are the most needed classes here atm? on ncwest it was like: 1. tank 2. healer 3. iss 4. dd from the most needed to the last needed. how is it over here?
here is more: 1. healer 2. dd 3. tank 4. iss at least till level 95. after that i zont really know, but high level isses are a needed class i think
it also varies between level ranges... for example, at 97+ level, iss is very much needed. don't have info about tanks.
before 95 : 1. tank 2. healer 3. dd 4. iss after : 1. healer 2. iss 3. dd 4. tank for pvp we still need healers (good pvp pt have 2 healers)
i see, already thought so. from the racials it seems like a de aeore would make a great healer. how is grouping pre awakening ?