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Wynn 97 Lf CP

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by BarneyStinson, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. BarneyStinson

    BarneyStinson User

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    basically an old hardcore player who left the game 1 year ago, and comeback this month.

    what i am looking for: a cp of 5-6+ hours, i don't want a simple party like do octa/istina and some **** daily instances, i'm looking for long term players, who are mature and competitive.

    you must be an intelligent human being, or at least a life-form that mimics intelligent human beings. you must be able to express yourself with some degree of self-respect.

    fluent in english, spanish and a bit of french.

    i can spend a lot of time in the game, so playtime isn't a problem.

    mail there for info, maybe i'm a lil edgy with this post...but i don't bite.
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