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  1. Swalley
  2. Drozz
    1. Shayariel
      Ok, i will change the post to fit those news.
      And i can only report things that i know about. As i can't check all data myself, i only react to people who report things to me. So thanks for helping out :)
      Sep 9, 2019
      Drozz likes this.
  3. Drozz
    Drozz Shayariel
  4. Drozz
    Drozz Shayariel
  5. Drozz
    Drozz Shayariel
    1. Shayariel
      hey, i couldn't find the yet, but there was another thread, where we found out about false exp on that site, then i added that comment in my overview...
      i'll try to find it and give you the link then

      edit: found it: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/662999/#post-9183509
      Sep 9, 2019
      Drozz likes this.
  6. Hylerhynze
  7. Miuji