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New Profile Posts

  1. Elahna
    Elahna [CM] Helper
    Bonjour, quelqu'un s'est fait passer pour vous aujourd'hui et m'a transformée en GM avant de remettre mon jeu en mode normal...
  2. HexedDust
    Bing bong.
  3. Vordren
    Vordren [CM] Helper
    Bonjour, il m'est arriver un gros soucis avec quelqu'un qui a utiliser votre nom et des droit de GM en jeu
  4. Bistabil
    Bistabil Darksapphire
    does this work
  5. MelaineBlo
  6. ShadyDowns
  7. JCarlos
  8. Sinhe
    Fred not, I am fluent in both German and English.
  9. Dragon7
  10. ngocnguyen
  11. Birdie
    Birdie DeepBlue
    Yo DeepBlue! Where have you been??!
  12. Jacko Mith
  13. ALPABI
    ALPABI GM Amarantha
    Hello can you help me about not being able to apply zombie card on my boots.
  14. configSEREGA
  15. machiasu
    machiasu Braxtyn Loyd
    Hello, I read your post, what is happening with the staff? It seems to me that we should contact Gravity Corp by fax, I am going to do it, to demand explanations for the licensing issue, to see if there is any point where we can exercise any right or claim.The server are bots and nobody care about that.
  16. KanohAgito
    I am new player and i loved the game sins the first day i played. I wish you to enjoy it as i do. Feel free to pm me. See you in Aden
  17. GhuNx
    Lumberjack is the true way to play with the blacksmith
  18. Lelo's
    Mustache is a must-have
  19. Gungor
    Goose > all
  20. Ciraja
    Ciraja KalDaka
    hi würd gern gemeinsam spielen aber weis nich wie man euch direkt anschreibt