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How insolent and deft SCAMMERS can be !.!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by xEMPYx, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. xEMPYx

    xEMPYx User

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    dear gms and fair-players,
    this is my first post in this forum and unfortunately the topic is not so entertaining and funny but very serious and actual.
    as we know scam is "part of the game" and lately it increase more and more and scammers became more tricky and insolent. the only thing we can do is no scamming each other , playing with truthful well known people or preventing scam as announcing scammers.
    i personal was scammed by random players twice last night ( istina and octavis instances) and i really have enough of it. so i want to share my opinion and experience with you in this topic.
    now who you will see me announcing as scammer from random party or random command channel (cc) :

    1. a person who don’t respect other players, their efforts in finishing some instance and their opinions (when it needs) how drop must be shared
    2. a person who don’t fair/random share drops with other players or pick, keep, trade drops so he/she benefits oneself or his/her party members
    3. a person with leading/managing position in party or cc (party leader and cc leader) who obviously helps/let a random player in cc to trick/scam other players or don’t react to stop / announce this.
    often such people not responsible for their party and cc or don’t follow his own rules.

    here you nice peaople can help me add more ……..
    such persons (randoms) above waste our time and opportunity to meet other nice players and join good ccs. scammers play tricks with our drops /luck and ruin our fun and mood for playing this great game and server. i put them in my block list so i can easy check their nicks there and can warn other people.

    ps: if anyone plane to do tricks/scam in some cc please better don’t invite me (empy- nick in game) in party. and be smart – don’t threaten me on pm how you will send petition for my room where i announce you and warn other people to be careful. this will result in more scammer rooms with your nicks and screens from angry players. i’m watching you…..

    later i try post you some interesting screens of the last scammers i met and scamming prevent advices from my personal experience in this game. i hope you share some too.
    take care …. scammers everywhere .
    enjoy game mates, have fun and don’t let such players trick/scam us. be more active ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2013
    Rangur likes this.
  2. Rangur

    Rangur User

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    i have been keeping my own lists of people so i don't join a party with them twice.

    scamming ingame just shows a player with a bad character in the real world. people have been saying stuff like "its part of the game". it is not. scamming is not "part of the game" and has never been. it is something that selfish respectless bad people do, and make posts like "people have always done this", "qq more" or "deal with it". maybe attacking the victims of scams helps them deal with their bad conscience.

    what i see as problematic in your post is the wide range of things you consider "scamming". so i see a partyroom by you with "xy is a scammer" and the reason could be that he "doesn't respect other players" or their opinions etc.? sorry, but that is a bit much. also the leader who "lets a random player in cc" - i don't even understand what you mean by that.
  3. escalibran

    escalibran User

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    this is a pvp game.
    scamming is pvp.

    want to know how not to get scammed? don't play with random players. tell me any reason a random player surrounded by other randoms would release 1.5b adena from his inventory. it's just as likely the moment he drops it, some random will pick and run with it.

    didn't make any friends ingame and you are already able to do octavis and istina instances? tough luck, start networking.
    AguaMineral likes this.
  4. xEMPYx

    xEMPYx User

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    thank you people for your fast opinions and advices.
    as far as i know noone alone can successful finish and get drop in such instances like istina and octavis so everyone needs other players to do this. even players from cps and big pvp clans join partys or organize ccs for instances with "randoms" and this is a form of networking and teamplay too. so please all respect other players, their time and efforts, share drops as fair as possible. people who i met and call scammers dont let this happen. we all saw many exaples and forms of tricks/scams.
  5. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    because of such action and game mechanic which allows to steal drops so easily , some players invented cp system. i think its the best you can get to lower scam posibility almost to zero.

    or you can change clan which is more friendly and brings clan members for such instances.
  6. xEMPYx

    xEMPYx User

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    hello, everyone!
    i’m back to the topic “how insolent and deft scammers can be …”.
    i want to show you a case of really insolent scam game and deft trick/scam of unreliable players against me and my party members. and here i don’t talk about the usual case with pick/leave party scam model.
    last saturday i joined a random party for octavis with leader 4nero and cc leader th0r3ck. other nicks in my party i remember: morgore, anru, macewindu, sorry to the rest nice people ( i can’t remember all nicks)who endured to stay all this long and hard instance party. we had very low dps, one yul from other party left on 1st stage and we fight more then 1h and 30min with octavis. totally more then 2h i wasted in this cc. why i called it “waste”… lets see in pictures what happened at the and of octavis ….

    1. what our cc leader have announced just before octavis dropped and who picked up drops…



    2. what the random member with all drops in his hands aguamineral announced . our party leader (4nero) did not say anything in party or all chat and did not give party leadership to someone else. but 4nero had to play a "dice" game with other party leader th0r3ck(cc leader) or at least 2 persons from both parties and so both parties to share drops with their luck.


    3 . bitter funny things and numbers aguamineral announced (see 2.), shifted drops and decide alone who/which party get drops ...you can guess which one. i did not see such numbers displayed in "dice" game between 2 people


    4. how we've reacted when we suspected trick and scam and our opinions . meanwhile our party leader and the other party leader (cc leader ) stayed wordless all the time and just look on what happened . they did not pay any attention what we asked, thought or submitted. but aguamineral continued his monologue …



    5. then instance kicked us out and don’t know what aguamineral did with our drops later. party leaders stayed wordless …0 communication with us. i blocked and announced all 3 people in cc – aguamineral, 4nero, th0r3ck.


    now you all know what i’m talking about here and how such people ( i call them scammers) don’t respect other players, acted out insolent trick/scam with us and just look on what happened. in this example you can see all types of scammers i posted before and what i had in mind.

    i did not plane to screenshot people and post about them in forum i just blocked them in the beginning. but this random player from other party aguamineral made the big mistake to pm me later from other char with threat of sending petition for gms because i open scam warning rooms. you can imagine how more insolent some people can be .... so if he can decide alone to who/which party drops go, so may be next time he can fight alone in octavis instance ? if i am wrong in this case above please convince or prove me it. i’m ready to open room with excuse or post it here.

    please don’t tell me the usual things like “just deal with it”, “qq more”, “ its normal for randoms “, “it’s part of the game” or “you expect too much from randoms”. why some people “so innocent” steal the moment of luck from other players, waste their time and opportunities? what we can do and don’t lose our joy in the game in such cases? so may be scam is not “part of the game” but the moment of luck is, pvp/pk/announce scammers is …

    i want here real discussion about our topic with arguments and in game examples . i don’t want just look on and let such people waste our time, ruin our mood for playing or play scam games with our luck and opportunities . a clan mate of mine jokes with me “where you find such people”. at least i try to do something and alert other players.
    fair- play in such situations, where people organize, lead something or just team play in instance, is so simple…

    thank you all for spending your time to read my long post but i really have enough of this scam all around.
    the good thing is that i usually meet and play with really nice, helpful and responsible people in game and we have good communications and real fun. thank you all for the joy to meet you and the fair-play.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2013
  7. darkyojimbo

    darkyojimbo User

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    scammers saks xd
  8. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    still shocks me on how they try to aion-yze the game, yet didn't implement the dice system from aion which would avoid these issues and make octavis/istina much more viable to randoms. i completely avoid these instances with randoms.
  9. Duras

    Duras User

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    aion system would be nice but the devs are blind to some good improvements.
    why dont you make a forum topic and post the names of those scamers?
    this way whenever you make a random party you check the list and choose to stay or leave.
    those ppl will be pretty much exclude themselves from any party after a while.
  10. a.chalikias

    a.chalikias User

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    scammers is bot players from main characters so maybe u r in cp with someone have 2,3..10 chars scamimg all server and u say hallo every morning to him xd !!!!!!
  11. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    u didnt get it dont u?...

    theres no reason to make post such as this.... dont want scam, make a cp, play with some mates and control your own cc.

    we usually do this: 1 party of clan/ally members/friend list (up to date ofc) on finders, 2nd party with 1 or 2 friends/cm/am and rest random ppl with random inc spoil and woalla! nobody can scam u because if someone try to pick it get expelled from party, and didnt go to redrop :) (on random inc spoil, drops never go for the one who pick)...

    even better, doing this, if u have more than 1 pj u can do twice istina/octa with more cm/am/friends

    ps: another advice? its better to get 1/8-9 of the drop all the times u do an a instance that 1 drop from, let say 1/30? maybe 1/20 times?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2013
  12. blogiete

    blogiete User

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    small tip.
    if you miss 1 or 2 dd's (last slots) in party/cc make party loot by turn. :) 1st who get drop is party leader or %party1 then 2nd one 3rd etc :) less chances to scam.
  13. farseason

    farseason User

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    i see a guy saying there is no reason reporting ppl like that,and i cannot elaborate on how wrong he is
    just make constant thread reporting scammers with proof and everyone will benefit
    for example that aquamineral guy,just entered a spicula room with him on,
    guess what i recognised him as scammer and he was kicked from party
    so deny all those scammers any form of party and everyone will profit

    ps:now he is threatening me that he will open a pt room with my name as scammer
  14. AguaMineral

    AguaMineral User

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    lol qq more man cuz u havnt got anything, normally i dnt check too much the forums cuz i havnt too much time to do it, but ill take my time this night to post the screenshoot that i have at home pc, about who get the drops and how much lammer u and macewidow are. so stop cry about it, ive explainet from the beggining drop will be by dice.
    its really easy
    1.3.5 1st pt
    2.4.6 2nd pt
    link item....roll dice
    link item....roll dice
    link item....roll dice
    and ive rolled 2.2.2 that means all for 2nd party, and of course ive redrped in random in my pt.

    this night u will have my screenshot here!;

    facepalm! and qq more
  15. Argive

    Argive User

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    still no screen shots ?

    how interesting...
  16. syzgod

    syzgod User

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    i don't know why need this new drop rules. dice... always was like that leaders redrop and redrop after party. it worked always. ofc if 1 pt get everything others will shout scam blabla. mostly scammers are stupid as hell. get almost nothing max 50kk from drops and still scam. don't think it's worth it.
  17. AguaMineral

    AguaMineral User

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    did u read? when i go home ill post the screenshot from who got the drops, cuz i got 0 drop from that octavis and still calling me scammer, poor emo kids
  18. AguaMineral

    AguaMineral User

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    it's not new rules, we normally do like in this server do, the 2 pt leaders make random pt and redrop, but this time we had a problem, the other pt leader 4nero(tank) has got to go work and he let hs father pressing f1-f2 thats why at the end we have got to do redrop by dice, we have done it like that cuz its a just way do redrop too, we played naia server(ncwest) for 2 years and half and i havnt got any problem with that way.
  19. MaceWindu

    MaceWindu User

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    the problem is that u rolled the dice more than 5 times(and not three) untill ur pty gets all of them with a higher chance for u to get one.
    not to mention that everyone was screaming that the 2 party leaders make redrop instead of this ****.
    btw why did u pick all drops and made that? you were not party leader or cc leader !
    i ain't gonna waste my time to chat with u here, as you are another cheap scammer.
    confirmed as scammer by me.
  20. AguaMineral

    AguaMineral User

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    u only readed that part of my post???

    maybe ure new player, but if u are in command channel with me, and i roll the dice, i can be in giran and u in aden and u will see what number i rolled.

    dont say that ive rolled the dice more than 3 times cuz ive linked item.....roll dice.....link item....roll dice.....and link item and roll dice

    after do that i can roll 342523463245 times mmore the dice if i want but the numbers are the numbers and u didnt like what i rolled and thats all! u mad? ok, u can cry all what u want, but... im not a scammer cuz i havnt got any item ;)
    Donnazq likes this.