As the title says, is Rachel already active in the server? I've seen this post: Where someone says: Code: Eden Group should be part of Episode 14 (so after 3rd jobs and new world/Ash vacuum update), currently we're at Episode 10.2, with 10.3 & 10.4 coming at the end of August. We also have Rachel already (Episode 11.1), so it might not be that fixed on the basic progression track, but if we get about half an episode every month, we will have Thors Volcano and Cursed Abbey (Veins, episode 11.2&3) by end of September, and Satan Morroc in October (episode 12), meaning this year will end with the 3rd job update (ash vacuum/new world/el dicastes, episode 13), and next year will probably feature Eden Group in January/February. Is this correct?
We have Lighthalzen, Einbroch and Einbech, but I was a bit confused too because I haven't been able to go to Rachel yet. I tried to take the airship from Izlude, and it "got to Rachel", however the warp didn't open. So I would think we don't have Rachel yet, but yeah I'm confused :/
Ouch Such a fun place.. And as you've said lighthalzen is in the server.. I assume there is Biolabs, right?