i wouder, maybe some day we will have in l2store some (item) to change genre, like in my case kamael male to kamael feemale, or other rase. did this possible in future?
this question has been asked before and innova are considering the options yet there is no guarantee as to if they will have such services or when. regards.
again, question has been asked and answered many times, here is the latest link https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=11694 regards.
no ooffence but can i ask you is innova team stupid or what ??? this is money maker .... change of garner change of sax change of everything you want ... this is money for innova and still tehy think about it ..... are they insane or stupid , or just coders cant implant it ?????
lol, funny post maybe it's not on their hand? yes the bought the rights for lineage2 in europe, but in some cases i suppose ncsoft's permission is required(for example stone of destiny was removed from ncsoft shop)
not everything is about making money. you guys need to make your minds up really, one moment you cry they take your money then you cry they dont take enough of it...jeez lol authors questions were answered, closing the thread to avoid any further trolling. thread moved to archives.