2011.12.3 1417 os : windows xp x64 5.2 (build: 3790) cpu : genuineintel intel(r) core(tm)2 quad cpu q8300 @ 2.50ghz @ 2496 mhz 4094mb ram video : ati radeon hd 4300/4500 series (7218) poscode : ts9(415) 0:0:0 4/0 [967] assertion failed: succeeded( hr ) [file:.\xml\xmldocument.cpp] [line: 155] history: xmldocument::init <- xmldocument::xmldocument <- xmlmanager::loaddocument <- xmlmanager::loadschema <- nwndutil::getcomplextypefromschema <- ncpropertycontroller::setproperty <- upropertycontrollerhandle::execsetproperty <- uobject:rocessevent <- (sceneeditordrawerwnd transient.sceneeditordrawerwnd, function interface.sceneeditordrawerwnd.onload) <- ncframewnd:nxmlload <- xmldatamanager::dispatchloadmsginwindowmap <- xmldatamanager::createwindowsoncondition <- wndarray:1231920, windowmap:489472964 <- xmluimanager::createwindowbyuiscript <- xmluimanager::executeuievent <- id:1710, param: <- executeuievent <- uuieventmanager::execexecuteevent <- uobject:rocessevent <- (dialogbox transient.dialogbox, function interface.dialogbox.onclickbutton) <- ncbutton:nclickbutton <- ncbutton:nlbuttonup <- ncvirtualwndmain:asstofocusedwindow <- ncvirtualwndmain::dispatchwndmodalmsg <- ncvirtualwndmain::dispatchwndmsg <- nconsolewnd::dispatchwndmsg <- nconsolewnd::masterconsoleeventprocess <- uengine::inputevent <- uwindowsviewport::causeinputevent <- uwindowsviewport::updateinput <- uviewport::readinput <- aplayercontroller::tick <- alineageplayercontroller::tick <- tickallactors <- ulevel::tick <- (netmode=0) <- umasterlevel::tick <- ticklevel <- ugameengine::tick <- updateworld <- mainloop when i go to create a new character gives me this error, how can i fix this?
good day, you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here. additional instructions could be found here. if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the thread back into the main branch. best regards,