Hi Just one thing from new player. I was hoping for a nice and fun time here, but instead I`m experiencing a permanent conflict between some unstable top players which ends with PKing low lvl (starting players) all the time. It`s not fair IDK if we have GM or not, but as a new player, who spend some money to play here I`m pissed. Being Pked all the time by players from top list doesnt help and doesnt bring U new players. So please any GM here or Admin to see what the hell is going on on Blue ? Conflict between some crazy guy Aloje and some clan Pride ends up with PKing all new chars all the time... I can quit with not a problem, but its not in ur buisness to loose new players
true story , i wonder how many new players stopped playing cause of the aloje guy and the Pride clan. I lost many friends cause of them and they are keep whipping the whole server everyday. The pk system is at its worst so this is not the problem for them . Someone must do something,im one step away before quitting .
GM don't read the forum, you can contact them throught support. Game is designed like this by Korea, Innova is just a publisher.
You are digging your own grave by this kind of answers. Everybody knows the NCSoft create this game, but you should have ability to force some changes basing on the users feedback because you take money for the game, otherwise, you will just lost customers - players.
Hey, what answer you are looking for? PK is part of game, designed by KR developer team, currently there are no plans to change it. Only one think is not allowed and that's asking Adena or so for no pk. In that case contact support team, also you can always send you your feedback to support.
The game itself protects the PKers, since its Pay to WIN. Ofcourse you will not invest 10-20-50-100 k $$$ if you know there is a even slightly chance of dropping 15k $$ epic or etc. Every aspect of the game is to soak more $$ from customers. It not PKers faults its Developers fault. The pkers just abusing that. 27 май 2021